1268 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 780
shall be construed to be vested exclusively in and may be exercised
only by the Commission or the respective Boards of Zoning Appeals
created or authorized by this sub-title.
(c) This sub-title prevails.—Insofar as the provisions of Article
66B of the Annotated Code of Maryland may be inconsistent with
or contrary to the provisions of this sub-title, such provisions of
Article 66B shall have no application within the Regional District.
86. Prior Zoning Regulations Continued.
The zoning regulations heretofore duly and validly enacted by the
County Commissioners of Montgomery and Prince George's coun-
ties and in force on May 24, 1939, including the maps which at said
date accompanied and were a part of said regulations, shall be
deemed to have been made, enacted, and in force under this sub-title,
and shall be and continue in force and effect until and as they may
he amended by the District Councils respectively as authorized by
this sub-title.
87. Zoning Changes Referred to Municipal Authorities.
Before the District Council of the Regional District in Mont-
gomery and Prince George's counties may amend the zoning ord-
inance of either county by changing the zoning classification of
property within any incorporated municipality, the application for
such change shall be referred to the governing body of the incor-
porated city or town for its recommendation.
88. Disposition of Waste, Sewage and Drainage.
No permit for the construction or erection of any building or
structure of any kind in the Regional District shall be granted un-
less adequate provision is made for disposing of the waste, sewage,
and drainage from the building or structure, and plans therefor
presented for the inspection of the building inspector having juris-
89. Regulations for the Disposing of Drainage, Sewage and Waste.
The Commission has power and authority to adopt all necessary
rules and regulations and orders for assuring adequate provisions
for disposing of the drainage, sewage, and waste from all buildings
in the Regional District so as to protect the public health. Such
rules and regulations and orders when recorded in the minutes of
the Commission, signed by its Chairman and attested by its Sec-
retary-Treasurer, shall have the same force and effect as though
enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland. Any person violat-
ing such a rule, regulation, or order shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor and upon conviction thereof be fined not less than five (5)
nor more than fifty (50) dollars.
90. Obstruction of Aisles and Doors.
It is unlawful for owners or lessees of any public hall, church,
school, or place of amusement in the Regional District to obstruct
or allow to be obstructed by others, any of the aisles or passageways
in the auditorium of the hall, church, or place of amusement, by