placing therein any benches, chairs, or stools or other articles that
may prevent free ingress and egress during the hours that said
places may be open to the public. The owners or lessees, or their
agents, are required to keep unlocked and unobstructed at all hours
during the time the halls, churches, schools, or places of amusement
are open to the public, all doors giving ingress and egress. No
hindrance, such as locks, bars, or gratings of any kind shall be al-
lowed to obstruct or prevent ingress and easy egress through the
same. All doors of exit shall be so constructed as to open out-
wardly at such exits. Owners or lessees, or any person holding
under them or their agents, violating any of the provisions of this
section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
by a Circuit Court, or the People's Court in Montgomery County
or a Trial Magistrate in Prince George's County shall be fined by
the Court before which such conviction is had for any violation a
sum not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), to be paid to the
County Council or County Commissioners and to be recovered as
other fines in this State.
91. Inflammable Compounds.
It is unlawful in the Regional District for any person, agent, own-
er, or proprietor of any sweat shop, manufacturing establishment,
or factory where four or more persons are employed, to use any coal
oil, gasoline, or other explosives or inflammable compound for the
purpose of lighting or heating in any form, except under a special
permit from the Commission, granted for that purpose, for a period
not exceeding one year, and to be renewed from time to time by the
Commission in its discretion. Any person, agent, owner, or pro-
prietor violating this provision shall be deemed guilty of a mis-
demeanor, and upon conviction thereof be fined by the Court before
which such conviction is had, for every violation, the sum of one
hundred dollars ($100.00) and costs, and stand committed until such
fines and costs are paid.
92. Fire Escapes.
The owner or owners of any home or building used as a sweat
shop, manufacturing establishment, or factory where four or more
persons are employed in the Regional District, on other than the
first floor of the house or building; and the owners or lessees of any
public hall, church, school, or place of amusement in the Regional
District where persons are supposed to congregate on other than the
first floor, shall provide suitable fire escapes therefor. If any owner
or owners, or lessees of any house or building so used shall fail to
make or provide a fire escape as required in this section, the owner
or owners, or lessees, upon conviction shall pay a fine not to exceed
five hundred dollars ($500.00) to be recovered as other fines in this
State, or be imprisoned in the County Jail for sixty days, or in the
discretion of the Court, to be subject to both fine and imprisonment.
93. Administrative Tax for Commission.
(a) Imposed in both counties.—For the purpose of paying the
current operating or administrative expenses of the Commission, in-
cluding the cost of the development of the plan of the Regional Dis-
trict or any part of such plan and including the cost of the exercise