area sub-divided; provided that the definition of "sub-division" shall
not include a bona fide division or partition of exclusively agri-
cultural land not for development purposes.
61. Powers For Acquiring Land.
(a) Land for highways, schools and other public uses.—The Com-
mission is authorized to include in its annual budget provision for
the acquisition of lands, needed for arterial limited access highways
and for school sites and other public uses, except streets or roads
(other than such arterial limited access highways), within the Re-
gional District in Montgomery County. Any such arterial limited
access highway, school site, or other public use must be shown upon
the Commission's general plan for the physical development of the
Regional District. Any such arterial limited access highway or
school site or other public use may not be within the road construc-
tion program or other public construction program current at the
time of acquisition. No school site shall be acquired under the terms
of this section without the prior approval of the Montgomery Coun-
ty Board of Education.
(b) Land Acquisition Revolving Fund.—For the purposes of this
section the Commission is authorized to establish in its Annual Bud-
get a continuing Land Acquisition Revolving Fund from which dis-
bursements for the purposes of this section shall be made. None
of the provisions in this Article relating to unexpended balances
shall apply to the Land Acquisition Revolving Fund.
(c) Transfer and use of lands acquired.—At any time after such
acquisition, the Commission may transfer the land so acquired in
any case to any construction agency of the State of Maryland, or
to either county or to any incorporated municipality within the Re-
gional District, upon repayment to the Commission of the funds so
disbursed by the Commission for the land, plus interest. The amount
of any such repayment shall be placed in the Land Acquisition Re-
volving Fund. If the land so acquired in any case is determined
by the State construction agency for the county or municipality
not to be required for public use, the Commission may use
the land as a part of its park system, but such use by the
Commission for park or recreation purposes shall not be deemed to
be a dedication for such purposes. If the land is determined by the
Commission at any time not to be needed for park purposes the Com-
mission may dispose of it in the manner provided elsewhere in this
62. Publication of Pamphlets and Reports.
The Commission is authorized and directed to prepare and print,
with suitable indexes, and to make available for public distribution
(1) from time to time one or more pamphlets setting forth the pro-
visions of law administered by the Commission and all sub-division,
zoning, and other regulations adopted or enacted by the Commission
or the District Councils, together with such annotations and maps
as the Commission deems appropriate; and (2) annually a report
setting forth, in such detail as the Commission deems appropriate,
the work of the Commission for the year, including its land ac-