1152 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 756
the Board herein created by the person taking said appeal; and if
the said Board of Arbitration shall affirm the decision of the Board
herein created the money so deposited shall be used to pay said
Board. If, however, such decision be reversed, the said Board of
Arbitration shall be paid out of the funds in the hands of the Board
herein created, and said deposit of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall
be returned; provided, further, that each applicant shall pay to the
Treasurer of said Board of Electrical Examiners, the sum of twenty-
five dollars ($25.00) for such license, and provided, further, that
every person before receiving a license shall make, execute and de-
liver to said Board a good and sufficient bond to be approved by said
Board, in the name of the State of Maryland, in the penal sum of
One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00), the bond to be conditioned upon
the faithful performance of any and all work entered upon or con-
tracted for by said Master Electrician and to save harmless and in-
demnify the owner, or real party in interest in the property, for
which any such material is furnished or service performed against
loss, damage and injury which shall arise through want of skill, or
through the failure to use suitable or proper material in the per-
formance of any work contracted for or undertaken by said Master
Electrician, or his agents or employees. Said Board of Electrical
Examiners shall have full power and authority to hear and determine
grievances or claims against said licensees involving losses or
breaches of contract, to order said licensees to pay damages therefor
and in default of said payment to revoke their license and forfeit
their bond.
183G. Each and every license issued under the provisions of this
sub-title shall be evidence in any court of Kent County of the business
for which the license is issued for a period not to exceed one (1) year
from the date hereof. All licenses and renewals of same shall expire
on the first day of May in each year.
183H. No person granted a license under the provisions of this
sub-title shall install or repair electrical wires, conductors, or appa-
ratus for electric light, heat or power purposes after the expiration
of said licenses, or after said license shall have been revoked as
herein provided, unless the said license or renewal of same shall
have been renewed as herein provided; provided, that any person so
granted a license under the provisions of this sub-title (unless the
said license shall have been revoked as hereinafter provided) shall
be granted a renewal of said license without examination of the
applicant, provided an application is made to the said Board by the
holder of such license and said license fee of twenty-five dollars
($25.00) is again paid, and provided further that if the said license
and bond shall be reciprocal between other counties in this State and
written approval is given by the said Board of Examiners no fee
will be required, and renewal of said license shall be for a period
of one (1) year, and any such renewal of such license shall have the
same weight as evidence in any court of this State as hereinbefore
provided for said original license; provided also, that one year
renewals shall be granted in like manner upon expiration of any
renewal of license upon making like application and paying like fee.
183-I. Said Board shall have full power to revoke for proper cause
any license or renewal of same after a full hearing of all parties