transmission of electric current for electric light, heat or power pur-
poses, or mouldings, ducts, raceways or conduits for the reception
or protection of such wires or conductors, or to any electrical ma-
chinery, apparatus, device or fixture to be used for electric light,
heat, or power purposes. A license of "Master Electrician" issued
in accordance with the provisions of this sub-title shall entitle any
such person so licensed to engage in the business of and to hold
himself out to the public as engaged in the business of installing,
erecting and repairing and of contracting to install, erect and repair
any electric wires or conductors, etc.; provided, however, that
nothing in this sub-title shall apply to any firm or corporation, if
the person managing and in charge of the electrical work for said
firm or corporation is a master electrician licensed under this sub-
183F. (a) Before any person shall hereafter engage in the busi-
ness of a Master Electrician in Kent County, as defined in this sub-
title, and before any person now engaged in said business or any
class thereof, shall continue in said business of Master Electrician,
such person shall apply to said Board for a license, as herein re-
quired, whereupon the applicant shall present himself before the said
Board at a time and place fixed by said Board. If the Board shall
find upon due examination that the applicant presenting himself
has a reasonable knowledge of electricity and the natural laws and
functions of electric wires, appliances, and devices for electric light,
heat and power purposes, and is possessed of skill and knowledge
in all matters appertaining to the business of Master Electrician,
as defined in this sub-title, then the said Board, upon payment of the
fee and upon executing the bond herein provided for, shall issue to
the said person a license as Master Electrician to practice said busi-
ness for a term of one year, and shall register such person as a duty
licensed Master Electrician; provided, however, no person who shall
have been engaged as a bona fide contractor in the electrical con-
tracting business in Kent County for a period of three (3) years
prior to June 1, 1959, shall be required to take the examination as
provided in this section before the issuance of such license; and
provided that no license shall be granted to any person under the
age of twenty-one (21) years, nor shall any license be granted to
any person who has not taken and, subscribed an oath that he has had
at least one (1) year actual experience as a Master Electrician within
the meaning of this sub-title, or has had such education equivalent
to a journeyman electrician in such class or classes of electrical
business or work as in the opinion of the Board shall have properly
fitted the applicant for a license as a Master Electrician. Any person,
whose application for a license shall have been rejected by the said
Board, shall have the right to appeal to a Board of Arbitration, which
shall consist of one person selected by the person making the appeal,
one person selected by the Board herein created, and a third person
to be selected by these two; and the decision of said Board of Arbi-
tration, or a majority of its members, shall be final and binding upon
all the parties to said appeal.
(b) The members of said Board of Arbitration shall be paid the
sum of Five Dollars ($5.00) each, which sum shall be deposited with