our park areas which are in such great demand, and that they will
enjoy further economic growth which will be a natural outgrowth
of such further development; and that this committee shall report
back to the 1961 Session of the General Assembly.
Approved March 23, 1960.
No. 14
(Senate Joint Resolution 2)
Joint Resolution providing for the continuation of a Joint Commis-
sion appointed to study matters relating to passenger carrier
facilities in the Washington metropolitan area.
WHEREAS, Pursuant to the provisions of Joint Resolution No. 12
of 1954, there was appointed a Commission to study matters relating
to passenger carrier facilities in the Washington metropolitan area;
WHEREAS, The Maryland members of this Commission at the pres-
ent time are Senator Edward S. Northrop representing the Senate
of Maryland, and Delegate Carlton R. Sickles representing the House
of Delegates of Maryland, and Mr. Albert Sklar representing the
Public Service Commission of Maryland; and
WHEREAS, The Commonwealth of Virginia and the District of
Columbia have taken similar action so that a set of Commissioners
from each of these jurisdictions has been working on the subject; and
WHEREAS, There still are studies and possibilities for action which
make it advisable that this Commission be continued in the future;
now, therefore, be it
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the Maryland
representatives on the Joint Commission to Study Passenger Carrier
Facilities in the Washington Metropolitan Area are continued in their
membership; and be it further
Resolved, That the Commonwealth of Virginia and the District
of Columbia be requested also to continue the existence and work of
the committees appointed from these two jurisdictions; and be it
Resolved, That the Joint Commission herein continued be re-
quested to continue its studies of the adequacy of passenger carrier
facilities and services in the Washington Metropolitan area, and
from time to time to report to the several legislative bodies concerned
EXPLANATION: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.