Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 927
after date of issuance. The Game and Inland Fish Commission shall
prescribe by regulation the releasing, possession, sale, shipment and
identification of all game and fresh water fish raised under this per-
mit; and may require such reports as deemed necessary concerning
the operation of such permit under this section. Any permit issued
under the provisions of this section may be revoked for a violation of
any provision or any regulation made by the Commission relating to
fish breeders permit.
212A. (a) The Game and Inland Fish Commission may issue per-
mits authorizing the establishment and operation of artificial or man-
made ponds or lakes owned, leased or controlled by an individual,
association or corporation, where fishing is permitted for payment
of a fee, and in which all fish stocked are artificially propagated by
commercial hatcheries, or purchased from persons licensed to sell
fish, when in the judgment of the Commission such lakes or ponds
will not conflict with any reasonable prior public interest. The fee
for such permit shall be Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00) per annum and
said license shall expire on the 31st day of December next following
date of issuance. The Commission shall govern and prescribe by
regulation the size of the area, the method of fishing, the open and
closed seasons, and the taking of fish with tags furnished by the Com-
mission at a reasonable fee, the releasing, possession and use of
legally propagated game and fresh water fish therein: and may re-
quire such reports as deemed necessary concerning the operation of
said areas. Any permit issued under the provision of this section
may be revoked for violation of any provision or any regulation
made by the Commission relating to fee fishing lakes. Any owner or
operator of a fee fishing lake or pond who operates a lake or pond,
without a license as herein provided for or, who violates any of the
provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon
conviction thereof before any justice of the peace or court of justice
of the county or city where the offense is committed be fined One
Hundred Dollars ($100.00) for each and every offense.
(b) The Game and Inland Fish Commission may issue special
licenses to non-residents to fish on fee fishing lakes or ponds as
follows: The applicant, a non-resident of the State of Maryland,
shall pay to the issuing agent with whom he or she files his or her
application, the sum of Three Dollars ($3.00) as a license fee. The
Agent shall thereupon issue a license to be supplied to said Agent
by the Director and the license shall bear the signature of the
Director and shall be countersigned by the Agent issuing same, who
shall at the same time fill out a stub attached to the license blank,
the name and address of the licensee and shall then detach said
stub and mail to the Director the first day of each and every month
in each year, said license shall be void on the 31st day of December
in each year following the date of issue.
The Agent shall retain as compensation for issuing each of the
above licenses, the sum of Twenty-five Cents (25¢), the balance of
said fee to be paid and accounted for as prescribed by law in this
Article, and the Agent shall deliver the license properly executed
to the applicant in person or by mail without further cost; said
licensee shall insert his or her name on the license in ink at the
time of purchase. Such license shall not be transferable and if used
or presented by any person other than the person to whom it was