926 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 552
(House Bill 255)
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact, with amendments, Section 212 and to
add new Section 212A to Article 66C of the Annotated Code of
Maryland (1951 Edition), title "Natural Resources", sub-title
"Birds, Game and Inland Water Fish", sub-heading "Regulations
for Taking of Game and Fresh Water Fish in Non-Tidal Waters",
said new section to follow immediately after Section 212 thereof,
providing generally for the licensing of owners or lessees of lakes
and ponds to propagate, raise, and sell fish and providing that per-
mits be issued for the establishing of artificial ponds or lakes where
fishing is provided for a fee and providing further for the licensing
of non-residents of Maryland to fish on fee fishing lakes.
Section 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Section 212 be and the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted
with amendments and that new Section 212A be and the same is
hereby added to Article 66C of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1951 Edition) title "Natural Resources", sub-title "Birds, Game and
Inland Water Fish", sub-heading "Regulations for Taking of Game
and Fresh Water Fish in Non-Tidal Waters", to follow immediately
after Section 212 herein repealed and re-enacted, all to read as
212. [Any person or persons engaged in the increase of trout or
bass by artificial process (known as fish culture) may take from his
or their pond or ponds in any way and cause to be transported and
may sell any trout or bass and the spawn of trout or bass at any time;
and common carriers may transport them and dealers may sell them
on condition that the packages thereof so transported are accom-
panied by a certificate from the Director certifying that such trout
or bass are sent by the owners or agents or parties so engaged in
fish culture; and such person or persons may take, in any way and at
any time, upon the premises of any person under permission of the
owners thereof, trout or bass to be kept and used for artificial propa-
gation only, and for no other purpose. Permits for propagation of
trout and bass in a pond or ponds privately owned may be issued
by the Director free of cost; however, the person propagating any
of the game or fresh water fishes named in this sub-title must apply
to the Director for a permit to transport or sell, barter, or exchange
any fish or fishes which may be so offered.]
Any person desiring to raise, propagate, and sell any species of
game and fresh water fish protected by law, in ponds or lakes of which
he is a bona fide owner or lessee may make application by writing to
the Director of this State for a permit so to do. The Director, upon
receipt of permit fee of Five Dollars ($5.00) may issue to the appli-
cant a Breeder's License permitting such applicant to hatch, rear,
transport, or sell, barter or exchange any fish or fishes which may
be so offered. Said permit shall expire on the 31st day of December
Explanation: Italics indicate new matter added to existing law.
[Brackets] indicate matter stricken from existing law.
CAPITALS indicate amendments to bill.
Strike out indicates matter stricken out of bill.