Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor 925
(c) The applicant shall fill out and sign and forward to the Clerk
of the Court or other persons authorized to sell same a blank appli-
cation to be furnished by the Director to said Clerks of Courts or
others, stating the name, age, color, height, and occupation,
and place of residence of the applicant. Application for any such
license may be made through the mails. The applicant, if a resident
of the State of Maryland, shall pay to the Clerk of the Court or other
persons authorized to sell such license with whom he files his or her
application the sum of [One Dollar and Fifty Cents ($1.50)] Three
Dollars ($3.00) as a license fee; if a non-resident shall pay Ten
Dollars ($10.00), and the applicant, if a non-resident of the State
of Maryland shall pay to the Clerk of the Court or other person with
whom he files his application the sum of [One Dollar and Seventy-five
Cents ($1.75)] Three Dollars ($3.00) as a license fee for a short-term
non-resident license valid for three (3) consecutive days after date
of issuance which will entitle him to fish, fish for, or take game or
fresh water fishes from non-tidal waters during any open season and
in compliance with the law. The non-resident licensee obtaining a
short-term non-resident license valid for three (3) consecutive days
shall mail or deliver said license, button or badge within three (3)
days after the expiration of said license to the Director for cancella-
tion under a penalty of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and costs for failure to
so do. Provided, however, the owners of lands bordering on non-
tidal waters, their children, spouses of their children, and tenants
residing on said lands of said owner and their children, and spouses
of their children residing on said lands with them may fish on said
waters adjoining said lands where they reside without procuring an
angler's license so to do. And provided further, that in Frederick
County, a regularly [employer] employed "month-hand" employed by
the owner of or the tenant on land bordering on non-tidal waters
may fish on said waters adjoining the land of his employer without
procuring an angler's license so to do if said "month-hand" be a resi-
dent and voter in said County.
(d) The Clerks of the Circuit Court, or Agent, of the Counties
bordering on the Potomac River above Little Falls are authorized
to issue to an applicant who is a legal resident of West Virginia,
District of Columbia or Virginia, a non-resident fishing license at
the cost of [One Dollar and Seventy-five Cents ($1.75)] Three Dol-
lars ($3.00) valid only to residents of the above named States and
valid for fishing on the Potomac River by rod, hook and line only
and at such times and in such manner as the laws of Maryland per-
mit. Said license shall prohibit said non-residents, except residents
of the District of Columbia, from standing on the banks of Maryland
and fishing in the Potomac River, however, said license shall be valid
to said non-residents for fishing from boat or standing in the waters
of the Potomac River.
Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take effect
June 1, 1957.
Approved April 10, 1957.