42 Laws of Maryland [Ch. 29
issued, and may cause the name of any physician so licensed [by
said board] to be removed from the register of the licentiates of the
city or county where it may be recorded for any of the following
causes, to wit: The use of fraud or deception in [passing the exami-
nation] obtaining the license provided in this sub-title, habitual
drunkenness, insanity as determined in accordance with the pro-
visions of Article 59, addiction to narcotics, criminal abortion, con-
viction of crime involving moral turpitude or unprofessional or dis-
honorable conduct; provided that any revocation proceedings be-
fore the Board of Medical Examiners selected by the Medical and
Chirurgical Faculty heretofore adjudicated shall not be revived by
reason of the provisions hereof. Before proceeding to revoke any
such license, the person against whom complaint is made shall be
furnished with a copy of the complaint and charges made against
him, and shall be given an opportunity for a hearing before the Board,
in person or by attorney, and at such hearing testimony may be
offered for and against the [accused] person so charged. The action
of the Board shall be reduced to writing, stating also the reasons
for said action, and a copy thereof shall be delivered or mailed to
the person against whom complaint is made; within sixty days after
said notice of revocation of license shall have been delivered or mailed
to any person said party shall have the right of appeal to the Circuit
Court of the city or county wherein he may reside or where the license
is recorded, the judge or judges of which said court shall fully hear
and determine all matters connected with the action of said Board
from which appeal is taken [, and the decision of said court shall
be final; should]. Both the party and the Board shall have a further
right of appeal from the decision of the Circuit Court to the Court of
Appeals of Maryland, subject generally to the time and manner pro-
vided for the taking of such appeals to the Court of Appeals. Should
no such appeal be taken [within sixty days], or should said appeal
result in the affirmation of the action of said Board, the Clerk of the
Circuit Court or courts where said license so revoked shall have been
recorded shall, upon due notice from the secretary-treasurer of said
Board, strike off the name of said party from the list of licensed
practitioners recorded upon said register. At any time within two
years from the revocation of any license, the Board revoking the
same may, by a vote of five members, issue without examination a
new license to the person whose license was so revoked; but after the
expiration of two years such person can obtain a new license only by
compliance with the same requirements which are imposed on other
applicants for licenses under this sub-title.
Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That as of the effective date
of this Act, any and all funds held by any person, firm, corporation
or agency to the credit of the Board of Medical Examiners represent-
ing the Maryland State Homeopathic Medical Society shall be paid
over and delivered to the Treasurer of the State of Maryland for the
account of the general funds of the State; and all funds appro-
priated for said Board in the current State budget and unexpended
by said Board and any funds hereafter appropriated for said Board
shall revert to the general State funds.
Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act shall
be construed as affecting in any manner the status and rights of any
person licensed for the practice of medicine and surgery by the
Board of Medical Examiners for the State of Maryland, selected by