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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1530   View pdf image (33K)
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1530                                Laws of Maryland                         [Ch. 817

on said first Monday in March the Treasurer shall proceed to make
said sale in conformity with said published notice.

490. Should the purchase money for any piece of land sold at tax
sale be more than the taxes, interests, penalties and costs of sale due
thereon, the purchaser thereof shall only pay on the day of sale the
amount of taxes, interest, penalties and costs of sales, and the residue
shall be payable after the period of redemption has expired, to the
Treasurer, for the time being, upon the execution by him to the
purchaser, or his assignee, of a deed for said piece of land, but
possession of the property sold shall not be taken by the purchaser
thereof until the execution and recording of the deed therefor. Upon
payment of the taxes, interest, penalties and costs of sale, which shall
be made on the day of sale, the Treasurer shall deliver to the pur-
chaser a certificate of sale, setting forth all the facts thereof, which
certificate shall be assignable, and upon surrender of the same, its
lawful holder shall receive from the Treasurer, in case such sale be
set aside by the court, immediate return of his purchase money, or
in case such sale be ratified, and the property not redeemed by its
owner or some one in privity with him, within two years from the
first day of the sale at which the same was sold, to wit, the first
Monday of March, by payment to the Treasurer, for the time being,
for the use of the legal holder of said certificate of the amount of
money receipted for in said certificate, and any taxes subsequently
assessed on said land and paid by said purchaser, with interest there-
on, at the rate of [ten] six per cent per annum from said first
Monday in March, then the Treasurer, for the time being, upon the
payment of the balance of the purchase money in full, shall execute
a deed in fee simple of such property to the legal holder of said cer-
tificate, which deed shall be held to be prima facie evidence of a good
title, in fee simple to the grantee therein, to the property bought at
any sale herein authorized and therein conveyed. In case of re-
demption, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to immediately notify
the purchaser by letter, mailed to him at the address given beneath
his signature to the memorandum of sale, which memorandum is
hereby required to be taken by the Treasurer; and to enter such
redemption upon his books and over his signature, upon the report
of sale dealing with the property redeemed. The Treasurer shall
also deposit the redemption money in some bank or banks approved
by him in the name of the County Commissioners for Prince George's
County which shall be designated as "Tax Sale Redemption Fund,"
to be kept separate from the other funds of the county, and be only
payable to the persons entitled to the same. A book shall be kept
by the Treasurer entitled "Tax Sale Redemption Fund," which shall
show the receipts and deposits of said fund and payment thereof
to those entitled to the same.

493. The Treasurer of Prince George's County shall receive in
full compensation for the discharge of his official duties as collector
of taxes levied for State and County purposes the sum of Seven Thou-
sand Five Hundred Dollars ($7,500.00) for each year of his term
of office, which shall be payable semi-monthly provided that there
shall be no change in his salary received by the Treasurer of Prince
George's County until April 1, 1955, when such salary shall become
payable. The Treasurer of Prince George's County shall be [re-
imbursed for expenses incurred in the transaction of his official
duties, provided that the amount of such reimbursement shall be


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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1530   View pdf image (33K)
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