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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1529   View pdf image (33K)
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Theodore R. McKeldin, Governor                  1529

of the sale of any parcel of land, the court shall proceed therein to
determine the same according to its usual practice in the matters of
exceptions to sales, and an appeal by either party to the Court of
Appeals shall be allowed from any final order rendered therein; pro-
vided, the same be taken within two months from the date of such
order, and the record be forwarded within three months from the
date of appeal to said court. As to each and every parcel of land
reported sold against the ratification of the sale whereof no cause
has been shown, the said court shall forthwith consider and determine
the same, and in one decree, which shall be written by the clerk thereof
in the book containing said report of sales and be signed by the judge
passing the order, finally ratify said report of sales except as to such
sales, designating by their respective number, as may have been
excepted to or appear defective. When the court has set aside a sale
of property, the taxes, interest and penalties for which said property
was sold shall continue a lien thereon, and be collected by the Treas-
urer for the time being, and if not sooner paid said property shall be
resold by him at the next annual sale of real estate for defaulted taxes.
The general notice of sale when published, as hereinafter required,
shall have the force of a summons served upon all persons interested
in any land therein advertised, commanding them to appear in such
court on or before the first Monday in June next after the first day
of such sale in 1933 and on or before the first Monday in May next
after the first day of such sale in each and every year thereafter, to
show cause why the sale or sales made and reported under such notice
of sale shall not be finally ratified; and shall vest in said court full
jurisdiction in the premises.]

488. The Treasurer shall make up and publish [weekly, for four
consecutive weeks before the first Monday of March in each year],
as prescribed by law a list of all taxes assessed upon real estate,
which then remain unpaid and in default. Said list shall [be inserted
in three newspapers published in Prince George's County, Maryland,
to be selected by said Treasurer, and shall] contain the name or
names of the persons appearing upon the assessment books as the
owner or owners of each piece of said real estate, and if said real
estate has changed hands, in whole or in part, and such change be
known to the Treasurer, also, the present owners thereof, the loca-
tion of the property by district, the quantity of land it contains and
other matters of description that may be known to the Treasurer,
such as its name, the adjacent property holders, the book and page
of the county land records which contain the transfer of said prop-
erty to the present owner, if ascertained, and the amount of taxes
in default, with the interest and the penalties accrued, and to accrue
to day of sale, upon each piece of said real estate. To said list shall
be appended a notice that if such tax or taxes, interest and penalties
and the costs of sale be not paid before the first Monday of March
following, the said Treasurer will, on that day, at ten o'clock A. M.,
at the Court House, in the town of Upper Marlboro, in said county,
proceed to offer each of the said parcels of real estate for sale at
public auction to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said taxes,
interest, penalties and costs of the sale therein, beginning with the
first parcel on said list and continuing on in the order of said list,
from day to day, [from ten o'clock A. M. until three o'clock P. M.,
Sundays excepted,] until all shall have been offered for sale. And


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Session Laws, 1957
Volume 640, Page 1529   View pdf image (33K)
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