chap. 2.
Passed Dec 16
Deed to be recor-
To be binding.
An Act Tor the relief of Nelly Seegar, of Queen-Anne's County.
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
clerk of Queen-Anne's county court be and he is hereby authorised,
to record the deed of manumission of negro Nelly Seegar, made,
executed and acknowledged, according to law, by her late Mistress,
Elizabeth Seegar, bearing date the 7th day of February in the year
2. And be it enacted, That the said deed of manumission, when
recorded as aforesaid, shall be binding and have the same effect to
give freedom to the said Nelly Seegar, and her descendants, as if
it had been recorded within the time prescribed by law; Provided
always, that nothing herein contained shall be so construed as to
affect the rights of any persons having claims upon the estate of the
said Elizabeth Seegar, or to prejudice the right of any purchaser of
any of the said negroes under a bona fide sale.
Passed Dec 16
Real estate to be
Passed Dec 16
Provisions of a
certain act extend-
ed to trustees ap-
pointed by act to
which this is a
An Act to empower the County Court of Queen-Anne's County, to Divide the
Real Estate therein mentioned.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland. That the coun-
ty court of Queen-Anne's county be and is hereby authorised and
empowered, on application by any of the heirs of William W. Ma-
son, Elizabeth Mason the elder, and Elizabeth Mason the younger,
of said county, deceased, or other person concerned, to issue a
commission to divide the real estate of which the said William W.
Mason, Elizabeth Mason the elder, and Elizabeth Mason the
younger, died seized in fee simple, among their heirs, in the same
manner as if the same had descended from one common ancestor,
and according to the provisions of the act of assembly, entitled, An
act to direct descents, and the several supplements thereto.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to appoint Trustees for the Sale of the
Property therein mentioned, being part of the Heal Estate of the late Henry
Willis, deceased.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all the
' provisions of the act passed at December session eighteen hundred,
'and sixteen, chapter one hundred and thirty-four, entitled, An act
to make the final discharge of trustees appointed by the chancellor
or judges of the county court matter of record, be and is hereby
extended to the trustees appointed by the act to which this is a sup-
plement, in as full and ample a manner as if the trustees had been
appointed by the judges of Frederick county court, sitting as a
court of equity, excepting that it shall be the duty of the register
of wills of Frederick county to record any such receipt, acquittance,
release, or final discharge, produced to be recorded, in the record
books kept by the said register for the purpose of recording the
final discharge of executors, administrators and guardians.
Passed Dec. 16
Authorised to re-
move a negro into
the state
An Act for the Benefit of Robert Boone, of Virginia.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland. That Ro-
bert Boon, be and he is hereby authorised to remove from Virginia
into this state a negro slave named Trueman, provided said Robert
Boone shall cause said negro slave Trueman to be registered in the