verdict of the jury, to pass judgment against such deputy sheriff
or deputy collector, upon which there shall be no writ of error, su-
persedeas, injunction or appeal, and to award execution as upon all
other cases of judgment had in the said court.
4. And be it enacted, That if after the securities to the sheriffs and
collectors bonds, given by the said William S. Handy, shall have
collected a sufficient sum to discharge and pay off the arrearages
due by the said William S. Handy to the public, and all costs in-
curred on his account by his said securities, exclusive of the com-
mission hereinafter allowed them for the collection thereof, any
surplus shall remain uncollected, the securities as aforesaid shall,
and they are hereby required and directed, to restore, and deliver
up to the said William S. Handy, all the books, accounts, papers,
memorandums and vouchers, in their possession, relative to the
same, or which may in any manner be necessary to enable the said
William S. Handy to complete the collection of such surplus.
5. And be it enacted, That the said John King. Robert Leather-
bury, Henry Banks, senior, Samuel Heath. Josiah F. Polk, and
others, securities of the said William S. Handy as aforesaid, are
hereby allowed, for their trouble and expense in making the said
collection, the same commission upon the residue of the said public
taxes or county levy, that was allowed to him the said William S.
Handy; and the said securities shall be allowed the term of one year
from the passage of this act to make and complete the collection of
the balances aforesaid.
6. And be it enacted, That James Polk, John Miles, Samuel
Heath, Littleton D. Teackle, and all others who became securities
for the aforesaid William S. Handy, in the different respective
bonds given by him the said William S. Handy, as sheriff of Somer-
set county for the years eighteen hundred and sixteen, eighteen
hundred and seventeen, and eighteen hundred and eighteen, or
their representatives, be and they, or their agent or attorney, are
hereby appointed, authorised and empowered, in the place of the
said William S. Handy, to settle all the business of the said Willi-
am S. Handy as sheriff, that may be unsettled, and to receive and
collect the residue of all dues, fees and demands, and all and every
sum and sums of money duo to the said William S. Handy in virtue
or in consequence, of his office of sheriff of Somerset county, for the
years eighteen hundred and sixteen, eighteen hundred and seven-
teen, and eighteen hundred and eighteen, in as full and ample man-
ner as the said William S. Handy could or might have received op
collected the same during the time of his being sheriff of Somerset
county aforesaid; and the said James Polk, John Miles, Samuel
Heath, Littleton D. Teackle, and others, securities to the bonds
given by William S. Handy as sheriff of Somerset county, or their
representatives, or their agent or attorney, are hereby vested with
the whole power and authority which the. said William S. Handy
had or possessed during the time that he was sheriff of Somerset
county; and the said securities shall be allowed the term of one
year from the passage, of this act in which to complete the collection
of the balances aforesaid.
Chap. 1.
When a sufficient
sum is collected to
pay off arrearages,
surplus accounts to
be delivered to
Wm. S. Handy.
Allowance for
making collection.
Securities as she-
riff authorised to
settle all his busi-
ness as sheriff, &c.