A Further Supplement to the art, entitled, An act to incorporate a Company for
erecting a Bridge over Nanticoke River at or near Vienna, in Dorchester
1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the
judges of the county court of Dorchester county, be and they are
hereby authorised to appoint five commissioners, which said commis-
sioners, or a majority of them, shall be authorised and empowered
to survey and condemn a lot of ground in the town of Vienna, not
exceeding the one-fourth part of an acre, for the use and benefit of
the Nanticoke Bridge Company; Provided, that the said lot of
ground, so as aforesaid surveyed and condemned, shall not inter-
fere with or affect the yard, garden or buildings, of any person,
without the. consent of the owner or owners thereof.
2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners shall cause to
be made out two plots of the lot of ground so as aforesaid surveyed
and condemned, one of which they shall lodge in the clerk's office
of Dorchester county, there to remain in perpetual testimony of
the aforesaid survey and condemnation, the other to be delivered to
the president and directors of the Nanticoke Bridge Company.
3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, shall value and assess the damages sustained by any person
or persons whose lands may be affected by the aforesaid survey and
condemnation, taking into consideration all advantages and disad-
vantages, attending the same, and the damages so as aforesaid as-
sessed, together with all the necessary expenses connected there-
with, are to be paid by the president and directors of the said
Nanticoke Bridge Company.
4. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the said com-
missioners, before they proceed to the execution of their duties un-
der this act, to make oath before some justice of the peace, which
oath shall be endorsed on their proceedings, that they will well and
truly, without prejudice, favour or partiality, execute the duties
required of them by this act.
5. And be it enacted, That should any person consider himself
or herself aggrieved by the proceedings of said commissioners, the
party so aggrieved may appeal to the next county court, which
said court shall be authorised in a summary manner to review the
conduct of the commissioners, and make such decision thereon as
they may deem right and proper, which said decision shall be con-
clusive on all parties.
Passed Jan 13, 1820
Lot of ground may
be condemned for
use of company
Two plots of the
same to be made
Damages to be as-
Commissioners to
take an oath
Persons aggrieved
may appeal to
county court
An Act to repeal parts of the Acts of Assembly therein mentioned.
Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That all such
parts of the act of assembly, passed at April session seventeen hun-
dred and fifteen, chapter twenty-seven, which directs punishment
by whipping, and all such parts of the act of assembly, passed at
September session seventeen hundred and twenty-three, chapter
sixteen, which directs punishment by boring through the tongue,
Passed Jan 11 1820
Acts repealed