such cases made and provided, to make himself a citizen of the
United States, be, and any person claiming under him, shall for-
feit all benefit that they might otherwise have derived under the
provisions of this act; Provided always, that, if the said James
Simpson shall die before he can become a citizen of the United
States, nothing in the above provision contained shall prevent the
said James Simpson from transmitting, transferring or conveying,
a good and legal title to the said properly, by descent or devise, to
any person capable in law to hold real property within this state.
CHAP. 61.
An act for the relief of William Greeson, of Frederick
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the deed from William Hunter to William Greeson, both of Fred-
erick County, which appears to have been executed on the nine-
teenth day of April, in the year eighteen hundred and five, and
duly recorded among the land records of said county, purporting
to convey to the said William Greeson, his heirs, executors and
assigns, a parcel of land therein described, lying and being in the
county aforesaid, shall be valid to vest in the said William Gree-
son, his heirs and assigns, a legal title to the said land, and the
appurtenances thereunto belonging, in as ample a manner as if the
said William Greeson had been a naturalized citizen of the United
States, at the time of the execution of the said deed, any law to
the contrary notwithstanding; Provided, that nothing herein con-
tained shall affect the right of any person to the said land, acquir-
ed or prosecuted before the passage of this act.
Passed Jan. 25 1819
Deed from Wm.
Hunter to him
made valid.
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act to confirm the title
of Hugh Quigley and John M'Greagor, of Harford
county, to certain Lands therein mentioned.
Whereas in an act, passed at December session eighteen hun-
dred and sixteen, to confirm the titles of Hugh Quigley and John
M'Greagor to certain lands therein mentioned, the name of John
was, by mistake, inserted instead of James, and the title of the
lands conveyed by William Jones to James M'Greagor, was con-
firmed to John M'Greagor instead of James M'Greagor, therefore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the deed of conveyance from William Junes to James M'Greagor,
bearing date the twenty-ninth day of August seventeen hundred
and ninety-five, duly acknowledged and recorded among the land
records of Harford county, shall have the same force and effect, to
vest in the said James M'Greagor, his heirs and assigns, a title to
the said lands, as if the. said James M'Greagor had been natura-
lized agreeably to the laws of the United States, at the time of the
execution of the said deed, subject to the provisions made in the
original act to which this is a supplement.
Passed Jan. 23 1819
An act for the relief of Charles Yeger.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
all deeds heretofore made by any person or persons to Charles
Deeds heretofore
made to Charles
Yeger, to have ef-
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