CHAP. 59.
less the said Edward M. G. Watson shall, with all convenient
speed, proceed according to the laws of the United States, in such
cases made and provided, to make himself a citizen of the United
States, he, and every person claiming under him, shall forfeit all
benefit that they might otherwise have derived under the provisions
of this act; Provided always, that if the said Edward M. G. Watson
shall die before he can become a citizen of the United States, no-
thing in the above proviso contained shall prevent the said Edward
M. G. Watson from transmitting transferring or conveying, a good
and legal title to the said property, by descent or devise, to any
person capable in law to hold real property within this state.
Passed Jan 25 1819
Authorised to send
out fees in 1819 un-
til 1st of April
An act for the benefit of John Read Magruder and Edward
Harwood, Clerks of Prince-George's County Court.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John Read Magruder, late clerk, and Edward Harwood clerk, of
Prince-George's comity court, be and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, to send out fees in the year eighteen hundred and
nineteen, for collection or execution, at any time until the first day
of April next, any thing in any law to the contrary notwithstand-
ing; Provided however, that every sheriff in whose hands fees shall
be placed by the said John Read Magruder and Edward Harwood,
for collection, shall be allowed until the first day of June next to
deliver the accounts of fees, or bills of particulars, to the respective
persons, and to the twentieth day of November next to account for
and pay over the money for the said fees.
Authorised to ac-
quire and hold cer-
tain property.
An act for the relief of James Simpson, of Frederick Coun-
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by the pe-
tition of James Simpson, of Frederick county, that he migrated to
the United States three years ago, and from his having no fixed
habitation until lately, as well as from his ignorance of the law,
he has never been naturalized, until three years since he applied to
the court of Frederick county, and made a declaration of his in-
tention to become a citizen of the United States: And whereas he
further states, he lately purchased a house and lot of Mary Poltney
and Ruth Plummer, in Plummer's part of New-Market, in Frede-
rick county, lying on the north side, of the main street, containing
thirty-four feet, number two on the plot of said town, but which
has never been conveyed to him, because lie is incapable of holding
real property, and that he is desirous of acquiring a title to the said
properly, therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the said James Simpson be, and he is hereby authorised and em-
powered, to acquire and hold, by deed or bargain and sale, from
the said Mary Pultney and Ruth Plummer, or their legal represen-
tatives, a title to the property aforesaid, and to transfer and convey
a title to the said property, by gift, grant, devise, or descent, as
fully and amply as if he was a citizen of the United States; Pro-
vided, that unless the said James Simpson shall, with all conveni-
ent speed, proceed according to the laws of the United States in