8. And be it enacted, That all the right and title which the said
Thomas Parritt, by virtue of his marriage with said Rebecca Par-
ritt, had acquired to any property which she now is or may he-
come entitled to, in any way or manner whatever, be and the same
is hereby annulled and made void; and that the said Rebecca Par-
ritt be and she is hereby declared capable to have, hold, take, re-
ceive, sue for, and recover, by compromise, suit or suits in law or
equity, all such property, in as full and ample a manner as if she
were a feme sole, and had never been married; and to hold, use,
and enjoy the same, for her own use and benefit, and the same to
dispose of according to her will and pleasure, without the molesta-
tion, interference, hindrance or consent, of her said husband, in
the same manner as she could or might have done were she a feme
CHAP. 57.
Thomas Parritt's
right to certain
property annul-
An act for the relief of Juliana Cunningham, of Frederick
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That Juliana Cunningham, of Frederick county, be and she is
hereby declared capable to take, receive, sue for and recover, by
compromise or suits, in law or equity, any property, real or per-
sonal, to which she is or may be entitled as one of the heirs of
Philip Cloninger, late of said county, deceased, in as full and am-
ple a manner as if she were a feme sole, and to hold and enjoy the
same for her own use and benefit.
2. And be it enacted, That the said Juliana Cunningham be and
she is hereby authorised and empowered, to deal, contract, and
hold property, during the absence and separation of her said hus-
band, in the same manner as if she were a feme sole.
Passed Jan 25 1819
Capable to receive
sue for or recover,
property to which
she may be enti-
tled, &c,
Authorised to hold
property, &c.
An act for the relief of Edward M. G. Watson, of Frede-
derick county.
Whereas it is represented to this general assembly, by the peti-
tion of Edward M. G. Watson, of Frederick county, that he mi-
grated to the United States eleven years ago, and from his having
no fixed habitation, until lately, as well as from his ignorance of
the law, he has never been naturalized; but at the last October term
of Frederick county court he made a declaration of his intention to
become a citizen of the United States: And whereas, he further
states, he lately purchased of a certain Sarah Wood, a house
and half a lot of ground in Nicholas Hall's part of New Market, in
Frederick county, designated as lot twenty-five, on the plot of the
said town, but which has never been conveyed to him. because he
is incapable of holding real property, and that he is desirous of ac-
quiring a title to the said property; therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the. said Edward M. G. Watson be, and he is hereby authorised
and empowered, to acquire and hold, by deed of bargain and sale,
from the said Sarah Wood, or her legal representatives, a title to
the property aforesaid, and to transfer and convey a title to the
said property, by gift, grant, devise, or descent, as fully and am-
ply as if he were a citizen of the United States; Provided, that un-
Passed Jan 25 1819
Authorised to ac-
quire and hold
certain property.