Baltimore to the western country, and the road leading from Baltimore to Elkton
as peculiarly deserving national aid; and to report their proceedings to the next
general assembly, with sued information they may receive as to what aid and en-
couragement may be expected from the general government in furtherance of
these or any other internal improvements in the state of Maryland.
No 6.
Resolved, That Thomas Wright and Robert Wright, of Queen-Anne's
county, and Henry Darden of the city of Baltimore, against whom the state of
Maryland have obtained judgments, are hereby indulged from the payment of the
same until the first day of December next; Provided, that the said Thomas
Wright, Robert Wright, and Henry Darden, punctually pay to treasurer of
the eastern shore, the principal sum due on the said judgments, on the said first
day of December, with the interest thereon at the rate of six per cent per annum.
Passed Jan. 16 1819
In favour of
Thomas Wright,
and others.
No. 7.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Walter L. Price,
or his order, the sum of one dollar and filly cents far each days attendance as
messenger of the court of chancery.
Passed Jan 27 1819
In favour of Wal-
ter L. Price.
No. 8.
Resolved, That his excellency the governor of Maryland be requested to
transmit forthwith to the executive of Virginia, a copy of the act, entitled, An act
incorporating a company to erect a toll bridge across the Potomac river, opposite
Sheperdstown, that it may be communicated to the legislature of Virginia now
in session.
Passed Feb. 4 1819
Requesting the
governor to for-
ward a law to le-
gislature of Vir-
No. 9.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby au-
thorised and directed, to pay unto Benedict J. Heard, Esquire, for the use of the
administratrix of Wilfred Drury, late of Saint Mary's county, deceased, or his
order, the sum of thirty-six dollars out of any unappropriated money in the trea-
Passed Feb 10 1819
In favour of Wil-
fred. Drury's ad-
No. 10.
Whereas, the armoury at Easton is situated near to the court-house of Talbot
county, in which are deposited the public records of said county: And whereas,
from the large quantity of gunpowder now in the said armoury,' the safety of the
said court house, and also of the town of Easton, is supposed to be greatly endan-
gered; therefore,
Resolved, That the governor and council be, and they are hereby authorised
and empowered, to make sale of the powder in the said armoury, upon such terms
as they shall deem most consistent with the public interest, and the money arising
from the sale thereof to deposit in the public treasury.
Passed Feb 11 1819
Sale of powder in
armoury at Eas-
No. 11.
Resolved, That the examiner-general shall lay before the next general assem-
bly the amount of fees that he may receive in the present year, on oath, and that
the treasurer of the western shore thereafter pay to him, or his order, such sum,
in addition to said fees, as shall amount to eight hundred dollars, for the present
Passed Feb 11 1819
Relative to the
Examiner Gene-
No. 12.
Resolved, That the register of the land office for the western shore be and be
is hereby required, under the direction of the governor and council, carefully to
transcribe the book marked B. B No. 3, and to make out and supply a proper
Index to the book marked D. D No. 5. and to make out an Index to the debt
books for the eastern shore, now deposited in the land office for the western shore,
and to cause the said book marked B B. No. 3, when transcribed, together with
the Indexes, to be bound up in a strong, convenient, and sufficient manner; and
the governor and council are hereby authorised and requested, to allow and pay to
the said register of the land office such compensation for the service hereby requi-
red of him as they shall think reasonable and just, out of any unappropriated mo-
ney in the treasury.
Resolved, That the clerk of the council be and he is hereby directed, to de-
posit in the land office for the western shore all the proprietary debt books, with
the Indexes thereto, now remaining in the council chamber.
Resolved. That the said debt books shall continue and remain in the land of-
fice for the western shore, under the care of the register of the land office for the
time being, and copies therefrom, under the seal of office, shall be evidence in the
same manner as copies of the rent roll now are.
Passed Feb 13 1819
Relative to the
land office.
No. 13.
. Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby requi-
red, to pay to Daniel Jenifer, a member of the legislature during the December
Passed Feb l2 l819
In favour of Dani-
el Jenifer,