session of eighteen hundred and seventeen, or to his order, eight days allowance,
to which he was entitled, but which was not allowed him on the journal of accounts.
Passed Feb 16 1819
In favour of Solo-
mon Lowe.
No. 14.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Solomon Lowe, or
his order, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, the sum of one hun-
dred and ten dollars, in full compensation for rations furnished certain British
prisoners taken during the late war, by a detachment of the Dorchester county
militia, which said rations were furnished by the said Solomon Lowe, by the order
of brigadier-general Benson.
Passed Feb 17 1819
Relative to ap-
pointing commis-
sioners to examine
part of road from
No. 15.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they hereby are authorised
and requested, to appoint three commissioners, residents of Allegany county, to
view and inspect the United States' Turnpike Road so far as it runs through Al-
legany county, and to report what measure^ are in their opinion necessary and
proper to be adopted in order to keep the said road in repair, which report, with
any other information on the subject, the governor and council are requested to
lay before the legislature at their next session.
Passed Feb 17 1819
In favour of J. L.
No. 16.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby direct-
ed, to pay to John L. Kerr, esquire, the agent for settling the claims of Maryland
with the general government, the sum of twelve hundred dollars, out of any un-
appropriated money in the treasury, in part compensation for his services.
Passed Feb 18 1819
Relative to pay-
ment of military
No. 17.
Resolved, That the sum of one thousand dollars be placed in the treasury of
the we tern shore, subject to the order of the governor and council, as a fund for
the payment of claims against this state, arising from the employment of the mili-
tia during the last war.
Passed Feb 18 1819
Relative to the in-
corporated banks
in this state.
No. 18.
Resolved, That the president and directors of the several incorporated banks
in this state, be and they are hereby required to report to the next general assembly,
on or before the 15th day of December next, and annually thereafter, the state and
condition of their several banks; and that in their said several reports they shall
specifically state the amount of specie in their hanks, the amount of debts due
from other banks, individuals or corporations, the amount of bills and notes dis-
counted, and the amount of real estate belonging to the institution; and also the
amount of capital paid in, the amount of notes in circulation, the amount of depo-
sits, and the amount of debts due to other banks or individuals.
Passed Feb 6, 1819
Relative to compi-
lation of laws.
No. 19.
Resolved, That the acts and resolutions passed during the present session be
included in the edition of the laws now compiling, under the resolutions of the
last general assembly, and agreeably thereto.
Resolved, That there be insetted in the Appendix, or prefixed to the laws
contained in the third volume, the Declaration of Rights, and the Constitution
and Form of Government, as they are considered to stand, by ingrafting in the
sections to which they respectively refer the alterations made by successive laws,
and those which have arisen under the constitution of the United States.
Resolved, That there be inserted also in the Appendix, the style of the ses-
sions, and the titles of all acts, in the order in which they passed, from the first
settlement of the province down to the year sixteen hundred and ninety-two, as
they appear in Bacon's edition of the laws, being the style of the sessions. and the
titles of acts, not included in the former edition of the laws compiled under the
resolutions of seventeen hundred and ninety-eight.
Resolved, That there be inserted also in the Appendix the several acts in
force relating to the court of chancery, and enlarging the equity jurisdiction of
the county courts.
Resolved, That the governor and council cause the laws now compiling to
be distributed and forwarded as follows: To the court of chancery, one copy; to
the chancellor, one copy; to the court of appeals for the western shore, one copy;
to the court of appeals for the eastern shore, one copy; to each of the judges of
the court of appeals, one copy; to each county court, one copy; to each associate
judge, one copy; to each orphans court, one copy; to Baltimore city court, one
copy; to each judge thereof, one copy; to the judge of the land office for the eas-
tern shore, one copy; to the land office for the western shore, one copy; to the,
land office for the eastern shore, one copy; to the treasurer of the western shore,
one copy; to the treasurer of the eastern shore, one copy; to the auditor, one
copy; to the executive, one copy; to the senate, two copies; to the house of dele-
gates, ten copies; to the library of congress, two copies; to the secretary of state, ,
one copy; and to each state, one copy; to the Baltimore library company, one co-
py; to the public academic; in the several counties of this state, one copy.