Passed by the General Assembly of the State of Maryland,
at December Session, 1818.
Passed Dec 12
In favour of the
treasurer eastern
No. 1.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be directed, and he is
hereby directed, to receive into the treasury of said shore the sum of $341 25,
now in the hands of the treasurer of the eastern shore, under the resolution of
December session 1816, and that the said treasurer make such disposition there-
of, as the governor and council, or the legislature, may direct.
Passed Dec 22
For furnishing go-
No. 2.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to the governor such
sum as he may deem requisite, not exceeding three thousand dollars, for the pur-
pose of furnishing the government-house.
Passed Dec 22
Authorising ex-
ecutive to employ
counsel, &c.
No. 3.
Whereas, by the law passed by the last general assembly of Maryland, entit-
led, An act to impose a tax on all banks or blanches thereof in the state of Mary-
land, not chartered by the legislature, has been resisted by the branch of the Unit-
ed States Bank established in Baltimore, as unconstitutional: And whereas the
court of appeals for the western shore, at the last term, decided that the said law
was constitutional, and an appeal has been prayed from the said judgment to the
supreme court of the United States; and it is expedient that counsel should be em-
ployed on the part of this state in the said court. Therefore,
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requested
to employ such and so many counsel as they may deem expedient, to argue, in
the supreme court of the United States on the part of this state, the case of
James W. M'Culloch, vs. the state of Maryland and John James, now depending
there, and allow such counsel such fee as they may deem a sufficient compensation
for their services.
Passed Dec 22
In favor of Bean
S. Pigman.
Passed Jan 13 1819
Relative to intern-
al improvements.
No. 4.
Resolved, That Bean S. Pigman, executor of Hanson Briscoe, be and he is
hereby released from the payment of the nine per cent per annum, of the fifteen
per cent for interest chargeable on the principal sums due from the said Hanson
Briscoe to the state, on condition only, that the said Bean S. Pigman shall puno-
tually pay to the treasurer of the western shore, on or before the first day of Ja-
nuary eighteen hundred and twenty, the principal sums due to the state, with in-
terest on the same, at the rate of six per cent per annum, from the several and
respective periods at which by law the same are made payable to the treasurer.
No. 5.
Whereas, during the last session of congress, the following resolution was
adopted by the house of representatives, viz.
In the House of Representatives of the United States, March 30, 1818.
Resolved, That the secretary of the treasury be requested to prepare and re-
port to this house, at their next session, a plan for the application of such means
as are within the power of Congress to the purpose or opening and improving
roads, and making canals, together with a statement of the undertakings of that
nature, which as objects of public improvement may require and deserve the aid
of government; and also a statement of works of the nature above mentioned,
which have been commenced, the progress which has been made in them, the
means and prospect of their being completed, the public improvements carried on
by states or by companies, or incorporations which have been associated for such
purposes, to which it may be deemed expedient to subscribe or afford assistance,
the terms and conditions of such associations, and the state of their funds, and
such information as in the opinion of the secretary shall be material in relation
to the objects of this resolution.
Clerk House of Representatives.
Therefore Resolved, That the executive of this state be requested to fur-
nish immediately to the secretary of the treasury of the United States, a statement
of such roads and canals within the state of Maryland, which may be considered
worthy of the assistance and encouragement of the general government in a na-
tional point of view, particularly designating the Potomac and Susquehanna ri-
vers, and the bridges over the same, and the proposed canal from the Chesapeake
to the Delaware bay, the roads leading from the District of Columbia and city of