CHAP. 204
Parts of acts re-
case of appeal from the final decree of the orphans court, be trans-
mitted to the appellate court with the other proceedings, and subject
to the judgment and revision of such appellate court.
4. And be it enacted, That so much of an act of assembly, passed
at November session seventeen hundred and ninety-eight, and also
so much of an act passed at November session eighteen hundred and
two, as relate to appeals from the orphans court, to the general court,
court of chancery, and county court, be and the same are hereby
repealed; Provided always, that nothing herein contained shall affect
any appeal prayed before the passage of this act.
Passed Feb 17 1819
Authorised to re-
move a negro girl
into the state of
An act for the benefit of Samuel Clendenin, of Cecil county.
Whereas Samuel Clendenin, of Cecil county, heretofore pur-
chased of Levin Gale, executor and devisee of George Gale, late
of Cecil county, deceased, a certain negro girl named Nancy, to
serve for a term of years, as by a bill of sale duly executed and
recorded among the records of Cecil county will fully appear: And
whereas the said Samuel Clendenin is desirous of removing into
the state, of Pennsylvania the said negro girl, therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General .assembly of Maryland, That
Samuel Clendenin be and he is hereby authorised and empowered,
to remove into the state of Pennsylvania the said negro girl Nan-
cy, any law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided always, that
the said Samuel Clendenin shall, before he removes said negro
girl, file with the clerk of Cecil county his bond to the state of
Maryland, with two good securities, resident in the state, in the
penalty of one thousand dollars, conditioned that the said Samuel
Clendenin, his heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, shall
not suffer said negro girl to be sold or removed out of the state of
Pennsylvania, unless it be to return with some bona fide owner to
reside in Cecil county.
Passed Feb 19 1819
Three commis-
sioners to be ap-
pointed to meet
such as may be ap-
pointed by Vir-
ginia to settle
limits, &c.
An act for settling the Western Limits of this State and the
dividing Line and Boundary between this State and the
Commonwealth of Virginia.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the council,
be and he hereby is authorised to appoint three commissioners on
the part of this state, to meet such commissioners as may be ap-
pointed for the same purpose by the commonwealth of Virginia, to
settle and adjust, by mutual compact between the two governments,
the western limits of this state, and the dividing line and boundary
between this state and the commonwealth of Virginia, to commence
at the most western source of the north branch of the Potomac ri-
ver, and to run a due north course, to intersect the line between
this state and the state of Pennsylvania, and also to settle and ad-
just as aforesaid any claim of this state, or of the said common-
wealth of Virginia, to territory within the limits of the other; and
the commissioners appointed as aforesaid, are required to report
their proceedings in virtue of their appointment and authority, to
the general assembly of this state, at the session next after the same
shall have been concluded, for confirmation or rejection.