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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 135   View pdf image
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2. And whereas, sundry citizens of this state may hold lands
in virtue of patents granted by the commonwealth of Virginia, be-
fore the divisional line shall have been settled and adjusted between
the two states, and as it is proper that all inhabitants on either side
of the boundary line, so to be settled and adjusted, who shall have
obtained patents for their lands in Virginia or Maryland, should
have their titles confirmed in which ever state they may happen to
fall, Be it enacted, That any person or persons holding lands with-
in the limits of this state, which shall have been granted and pa-
tented by Virginia before the settlement and adjustment of the said
divisional line, and which, before the running and settling the di-
visional line aforesaid, shall have been considered as lying within
the limits of Virginia, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, but
which by the settlement and adjustment of the said divisional line
shall be found to lie within this state, shall be at liberty to take out
and receive patents from the land office of this state; and after the
confirmation of the settlement and adjustment of the said divisional
lines as aforesaid, the register of the land office of the western shore
is hereby empowered and directed, on application of any of the
above described land-holders, and upon their producing their Vir-
ginia patents, or authenticated copies, which shall be lodged in the
land office, to grant patent or patents for the lands expressed in
such original grant or grants, and the person or persons thus re-
ceiving patents in exchange shall not be liable to pay any purchase
or caution money, or be liable to any charge or demand whatso-
ever, except the. common fees of office.
3. Provided nevertheless, and be it enacted, That the right, title
and estate, acquired by any person or persons of in and to any such
lands, under and in virtue of any kind of grant from the proprie-
tary of Maryland, or from this state, prior to the right, title or
estate acquired by any person or persons claiming under a grant
from Virginia, shall prevail; and in all and every case the prior
title acquired by any person or persons in and to any such lands,
under any grant or patent, whether granted by Virginia, or Mary-
land, or by or under either of them, shall prevail and have the pre-
4. And be it enacted, That no such grant as aforesaid shall ex-
tend, or be deemed, construed or taken to extend, to the right of
any grantee or grantees, and those claiming under them, to any
lands, tenements, hereditaments, which are situate, lying or being
within this state, which have been at any time and in any manner
heretofore granted by or under the authority of the late proprie-
taries, or by this state, and are now in the actual possession or oc-
cupation of all, every or any of the tenants or occupiers of the said
lands, hereditaments and premises, nor to the estate, right, title or
interest, of such tenants or occupiers, or any of them, in or to the
said lands and premises, or any part thereof, but it shall and may
be lawful to and for all and every of such tenants and occupiers of
the said lands and premises, and every part thereof, their and every
of their heirs and assigns, from time to time, and at all times here-
after, to hold and enjoy the said lands and premises, and every
part thereof, for and during all and every their several and respec-
tive estates and interests in the same and every of them, any thing
herein before contained to the contrary thereof in anywise notwith-

CHAP. 206.

Persons holding
lands within limits
of this state, which

have been patent-

ed in Virginia,
&c to take out
patents from land
office of this state.


No such grant to
extend to right of
any grantee, &c.
situate within this
state, &c.

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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 135   View pdf image
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