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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 133   View pdf image
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together deprived of all and every interest, authority, power and
control, in, over, and to the person or property of the said Eliza-
beth Morgan, as fully and entirely as if she had never been mar-
ried, and that all such interest, authority, power and control, shall
from henceforth utterly cease, end and determine.
2. And be it enacted, That the said Elizabeth Morgan shall be
and she is hereby declared capable to have, hold, take, receive, sue
for and recover, by compromise, suit or suits in law or equity,
property of any kind whatever, real, personal or mixed, in as full
and ample a manner as if she were a feme sole and had never been
married, and to hold, use, and enjoy the same, for her own use
and benefit, and the same to dispose of according to her will and
pleasure, without the let, hinderance, molestation, interference, or
the consent of her said husband, in as full and ample a manner as
if she were a feme sole, and as if she had never been married; and
in the same manner may in her own name and at her own expense,
bring and prosecute suits at law or in equity.
3. And be it enacted, That a certain bond or bonds executed by a
certain Alemby Jump, to the said Isaac Morgan, and Elizabeth
his wife, for the purchase of certain real estate of which she was
seized in her own right, shall enure to the, sole and separate use
and benefit of the said Elizabeth, and that the said Alemby Jump
is hereby authorised to pay the same to the said Elizabeth, or to
her executors, administrators or assigns, and in case of a refusal
to pay the same by the said Alemby Jump to the said Elizabeth,
her executors, administrators or assigns, the said Elizabeth, her
executors, administrators or assigns, shall be authorised to prose-
cute a suit or suits in the name, of the said Isaac Morgan, and
Elizabeth Morgan, or the survivor of them, to be endorsed fur her

CHAP. 203.

person or proper-
ty of Elizabeth

R. Morgan declar-
ed capable to have,
hold, &c. property
as if she were a
feme sole.


A certain bond to
enure to her sole
and separate use.


An act for the better regulation of Appeals from the several
Orphans Courts in this State.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
in all decrees, orders, decisions and judgments, hereafter to be
made by any orphans court of this state, the party or parties who
shall deem him, her or themselves, aggrieved by such decree, order,
decision or judgment, may appeal to the court of appeals of this
state, provided such appeal be made within thirty days alter such
decree, order, decision or judgment.
2. And be it enacted, That if upon an appeal being entered, the
parties shall mutually agree and enter their assent in writing, to be
filed by the register of the orphans court, that the appeal shall be
made to the county court, the orphans court shall direct a transcript
of the proceedings to be transmitted by the register to the county
court, whose decision shall be final.
3. And be it enacted, That in all cases of plenary proceedings or
caveat filed in any of the orphans courts of this state, where any
motion or application to the court shall be made in writing, it shall
be the duty of the court to reduce to writing, and sign the order or
decree that may be made by them on such motion or application,
and the said motion or application to the court, and the order or
decree thereon, shall be filed as a part of the proceedings, and in

Passed Feb 19 1819

In all decrees, or-
ders, &c. hereaf-
ter made in or-
phans court party
aggrieved may
appeal to court of

If parties agree
that appeal be
made to the coun-
ty court transcript
of proceedings to
be transmitted.

In case of plenary
proceedings, &c.
where motion
shall be made in
writing, to be
filed as part of
proceedings, &c.

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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 133   View pdf image
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