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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 132   View pdf image
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CHAP. 201.

this state, as therein allowed; And provided also, that the owners of
such slaves may sell them after such slaves have been residents for
three years within this state.

Passed Feb 18 1819

Court authorised
to reinstate pro-

ceedings &c.


An act to reinstate in the County Court of Talbot County
the proceedings in certain cases therein mentioned.
WHEREAS it appears, that at the November term eighteen hun-
dred and seventeen, of Talbot county court, judgments of final
amercements were entered against Robert Welch, of Ben. the she-
riff of Anne-Arundel county, in the cases of the state, use of
Richard Harwood in his own right, and as administrator of Mary
Weaver, against John Gibson, one of the heirs and devisees of
Woolman Gibson: And whereas it hath been agreed by and be-
tween said Harwood and said Gibson, that said amercements shall
be stricken out, and the appearance of said Gibson entered, either
in proper person or by some attorney of said court, and upon said
causes being so reinstated they shall be referred to John Edmond-
son, Robert H. Goldsborough, and Joseph Hawkins, and judgment
on their award, or the award of any two of them, shall be entered:
And whereas it appears reasonable to this general assembly, that
said causes should be reinstated, and said Robert Welch, of Ben-
jamin, released from said amercements, pursuant to the assent and
approbation of the said Harwood and said Gibson, therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Talbot county court be and they are hereby authorised and direct-
ed, at the next county court to be held for the said county, to rein-
state the proceedings in certain actions heretofore depending in the
said court against the said John Gibson, as one of the heirs and
devisees of Woolman Gibson, or jointly with others, as heirs and
devisees as aforesaid, at the suit of the. state of Maryland, for the
use of Richard Harwood in his own right, and as administrator of
Mary Weaver, wherein final amercements and judgments have
been entered against Robert Welch, late sheriff of Anne-Arundel
county, by reason of the omission or neglect of the said John Gib-
son, who had been arrested by the said sheriff, to appear to the
said actions, and the said court are hereby authorised and directed,
to strike out the final amercements and judgments so as aforesaid
entered against, the said Robert Welch, and cause the appearance
of the said John Gibson, or in case of his, death, the appearance
of his executors or administrators, as the case may be, to be en-
tered in the said actions; and to proceed therein as if the said
amercements and judgments had never been entered against the
said Robert Welch, by referring said causes to John Edmondson,
Robert H. Goldsborough, and Joseph Haskins, esquires, with
powers to the said referees to proceed to adjudge and determine
the merits of said causes, upon giving ten days notice to said par-
ties, or their attorneys, and on the award of them, or any two of
them, judgment to be entered as of record in said court.

Passed Feb 19 1819

Isaac Morgan de -
prived of every
interest &c. to


All act for the relief of Elizabeth Morgan, of the State of
New Jersey.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Isaac Morgan shall from this time forward be and he hereby is al-

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Session Laws, 1818
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