County, the sum of forty dollars for the use and support of the
said Edward Godman, and his wife,
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duty of the collector to
collect and to pay the same to the order of the said Edward God-
man, or in the event of his death, to the order of the wife of said
chap 199.
To be paid to Ed-
ward Godman.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to provide for the
education of Poor Children in Kent, Talbot, Cecil, Anne-
Arundel, and Montgomery counties.
Whereas an act passed the general assembly, on the nineteenth
day of January one thousand eight hundred and nineteen, repealing
so much of the act, passed at December session one thousand eight
hundred and sixteen, entitled, An act to provide for the education
of poor children in Kent, Talbot, Cecil, Anne-Arundel, and Mont-
gomery counties, as relates to Anne-Arundel and Montgomery
counties: And whereas no provision has been made for the applica-
tion of such money as has already been levied under said act in the
counties of Anne-Arundel and Montgomery, therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General. Assembly of Maryland, That
the collectors of Anne-Arundel and Montgomery counties shall col-
lect the money heretofore levied under said act for the purpose
aforesaid, that has not yet been collected, and pay the same, toge-
ther with what is now in their hands, to the treasurers of the school
funds for said counties respectively.
2. And be it enacted, That the treasurers aforesaid be and they
are hereby authorised and directed, after they shall have dischar-
ged and paid all contracts heretofore made for the education of poor
children, by the trustees in Anne-Arundel and Montgomery
counties, to pay over all such money as may remain in their hands
to the levy courts of said counties, for the use of their respective
Passed Feb. 19 1819
Money heretofore
levied for purpose
aforesaid in Anne
Arundel and
Montgomery to be
paid to treasurers
of school fund.
After discharging
contracts hereto-
fore made balance
to be paid to levy
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act relating to Ne-
groes, and to repeal the Acts of Assembly therein men-
Whereas doubts have arisen about the construction of the ele-
venth section of the act to which this is a supplement, therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That if any citizen of this state hath acquired, or shall acquire pro-
perty in any slave or slaves, being residents of any of the United
States, before the twenty-first day of April, in the year seventeen
hundred and eighty-three, or in the descendant or descendants of
such slaves, being residents as aforesaid, by marriage, bequest, in
course of distribution, or as guardian, such citizen may at any time
remove and bring such slave or slaves into this state, for the pur-
pose only of employing or working such slave or slaves within this
state, in his own immediate service, and not for any other purpose
whatever; Provided, that a list of such slave, or slaves be rendered
in the manner directed by the original act to which this is a sup-
plement, in the case of a citizen of this state bringing slaves into
Passed Feb. 18 1819
Any citizen hav-
ing acquired a
property in any
slave, resident of
any of the United
States, before 1783
&c. may bring
them into the
state, &c.