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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 130   View pdf image
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laws of Maryland.

CHAP. 198.

Mayor and city
council required
to provide for sa-
tisfying said dama-


Compensation to



Payment to be
provided for sur-
veyor and clerk
employed to re-
port upon the ex-
pediency of open-
ing Pratt-street.

Mayor and coun-
cil to provide for
altering grade of
part of East street

aforesaid, and report the same, and the property on which it may
be allowed, with the names of the owners to the clerk of Balti-
more county court, who shall forthwith publish the return of such
report in one or more newspapers of the city; and any person ag-
grieved by such ascertainment of damage, may, by petition, within
one month alter such notice to the said judges, have the same re-
viewed by them, and they may enlarge or diminish such damages,
and correct said report, as under all circumstances they shall think
right and proper; and they shall also make and ascertain such rea-
sonable allowance to said assessors, and the other expenses attend-
ing the execution of this act, as shall appear to them just and
3. And be it enacted, That the said mayor and city council be
and they are hereby authorised and required, to provide for the
satisfying the said damages and expenses, when ascertained as
aforesaid, by paying the one third part, and causing the other two
thirds to be assessed, levied and collected, on the property ascer-
tained to be benefited by the opening of Pratt street under the act
for that purpose, and in proportion to such benefits as ascertained
by the judges aforesaid, and paid over to the persons entitled
4. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council aforesaid
be and they are hereby authorised, to pay to the said judges such
sum as shall be considered a reasonable compensation for their la-
bour and service in discharge of the duties imposed upon them by
this and the act providing for the extension of Pratt-street; Pro-
vided, that nothing herein contained shall authorise the suspending
of the execution of the act to provide for the opening and exten-
sion of Pratt-street in the city of Baltimore.
5. And be it enacted, That the said mayor and city council bo
and they are hereby authorised and required, to provide for the
payment to the surveyor and clerk employed by the commissioners
appointed by a resolution of the legislature of eighteen hundred
and fifteen, to examine and report upon the expediency of opening
Pratt-street, the sums by said commissioners allowed to the said
surveyor and clerk respectively.
6. And be it enacted, That the mayor and city council aforesaid
be and they are hereby authorised, to provide by ordinance for the
altering the grade of part of East-street, in the city aforesaid, in
such manner as to adapt the same to the grade Which is or may be
established for Belvidere-street, provided that the proprietors of two
thirds of the property binding upon such part of said street shall as-
sent thereto; and for provide for defraying the expense of such al-
teration of grade in the manner they may deem right and proper,
without charge to the proprietors of property binding on such part
of said street where the alteration of grade may take place.

Passed Feb 191819

Levy authorised
for his support.


An act for the relief of Edward Godman, of Montgomery
Sec. 1. Be it enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Montgomery county be, and it is hereby autho-
rised and directed, to levy annually, during the life of Edward
Godman, or his wife, on the assessable property of Montgomery

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Session Laws, 1818
Volume 637, Page 130   View pdf image
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