shall give four days notice, by advertisements set up in four of the
most public places in the said town, describing the geese or swine
so taken up, and that the same will be sold at public sale at the.
most public square in the said town, to the highest bidder, for
cash, one half of the purchase money to go to the person so taking
up the said geese or swine, and the other half to the owner or own-
ers; and if no owner or owners shall claim the said half on the
day of sale, the said half to be paid over to the collector of the
taxes, and if not demanded within twelve months, it shall then be for
the use of the county; Provided always, That if the owner or own-
ers of the said geese or swine, not residing in the said town, can
prove to the satisfaction of any one of the justices of the peace, re-
siding in said town, that the said geese or swine did not go at large
from negligence or want of care on the part of the said owner or
owners, and that due diligence was used to prevent it, then and in
that case the owner or owners shall have return of the said pro.
perty, on paying all expenses of keeping and proving the
2. And he it enacted, That the act, entitled, An act to prevent
geese and swine from going at large in the town of Rockville, in
Montgomery county, passed at December session eighteen hundred
and thirteen, be and the same is hereby repealed.
Dec. Ses. 1817
Act repealed.
An act for the benefit of John K. Rowe, and Richard Be-
van, of Baltimore County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the deed of conveyance from James Kelly to Thomas Evans bear-
ing date the sixteenth of December, in the year of our Lord eighteen
hundred and twelve, and recorded among the land records of Bal-
timore county court, in liber W. G. No one hundred and twenty-
two, folio fifty-three, &c. the deed of conveyance from Thomas
Evans to James Stafford, dated the twenty-fourth day of October,
in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and fifteen, and recorded
among the land records aforesaid in liber W. G. No one hundred
and thirty-three, folio live hundred and sixty-seven, &c. and the
deeds of conveyance from James Kelly and James Stafford to John
K. Rowe and Richard Bevan, bearing date the twenty-fifth day
of July, eighteen hundred and seventeen, and recorded among the
land records aforesaid in liber W. G. No. one hundred and forty-
one, folio sixty-eight and seventy, &c. which deeds are duly exe-
cuted, acknowledged and recorded, shall have the same force and
effect to vest in the said John K. Rowe and Richard Bevan res-
pectively, their heirs and assigns, as good and sufficient a title to
the property conveyed by the said deeds from James Kelly and
James Stafford to the. said John K. Rowe and Richard Bevan
respectively, as if the said Thomas Evans had been naturalized
agreeably to the laws of the United States at the times of the exe-
cution of the said several deeds; Provided, that nothing herein
contained shall in any manner affect the right of any other person
or persons to said property which may have been acquired before
the passage of this act.
Passed Jan 31
Deeds declared