Laws of Maryland.
Dec. Ses. 1817
In case of
death how pro-
perty to be
nance, which said bond shall be recorded in the office of the re-
gister of wills for the county aforesaid, upon an attested copy of
which, under the seal of office, any suit or suits may be brought
by her the said Hannah A. Hayes, or by any future guardian here-
after appointed.
2. And be it enacted, That if any of the said minor children shall
die before they arrive at age, the part or portion of such child of the
proceeds of the sales hereby authorised, shall he, and the same is
hereby declared to be, vested in the person or persons who would
have been entitled to said property had the same not been sold.
Passed Jan. 30.
Empowered to
transfer her in-
terest in a tract
of land.
An act for the benefit of Elizabeth Johnson of the City of
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Elizabeth Johnson of the city of Baltimore, wife of James J. John-
son, be and she is hereby empowered, to convey and transfer the
estate and interest by her held in a tract of land in Baltimore coun-
ty, without her said husband joining in the deed therefor; and the
money arising from such sale to use and employ for the benefit and
support of herself and children, freed from the controul of her
husband, or liability for his debts.
Passed Jan. 31.
Lunatic pau-
pers may be
removed to
Levy to defray
An act to provide for the removal of Lunatic Paupers from
the several Counties of this State to the Maryland Hos-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
on the certification of a majority of the board of trustees of the
poor of any county of this state, of any person's being a lunatic pau-
per, the levy court of the county where the case may occur, may
in their discretion cause, the said lunatic pauper to be removed to
the Maryland Hospital as soon thereafter as the nature of the case
shall permit.
2. And be it enacted, That the levy court of the county where the
case may occur, are hereby authorised and directed, to levy such
sum of money on the assessable property of said county as will de-
fray the expenses incident to the removal of such lunatic pauper
to the Maryland Hospital, and the expenses that may be incurred
during his or her stay in said hospital, provided the said expen-
ses do not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars per annum,
during his or her stay in said hospital.
Passed Jan. 31.
Geese & swine
may be im-
An act to prevent Geese and Swine from going at large in
the Town of Rockville, in Montgomery County, or with-
in a quarter of a mile thereof.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the first day of March next, it shall and may be
lawful for all and every free white person or persons, to take up
and impound any geese or swine which may be found going at
large in the said town, or within the distance of one quarter of a
mile therefrom, and the person or persons so taking up the same,