Dec. Ses. 1817
If any person
conceives him-
self aggrieved,
judges to de-
Street to be o-
pened and ex-
' ing a reasonable compensation to their surveyor and clerk, whom
they are hereby authorised to employ, and of the expenses incur-
red in pursuance of an act, entitled, An act for the opening and
extending Pratt-street, in the city of Baltimore, passed at Novem-
ber session eighteen hundred and eleven, which shall he paid to the
parties respectively entitled to receive the same, of which said sum
one-third shall be paid by the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
and they shall then proceed to assess the residue, of the said sum
upon the property benefited by the opening and extension of the
said street, having regard to all circumstances; and having com-
pleted the said estimate and assessment, the said commissioners
shall make a full and particular report thereof, under their hands
and seals, to Baltimore county court, designating precisely the pro-
perty ascertained to he injured, and the property assessed as bene-
fited, and the names of the proprietors of both species of property,
as fully as they can ascertain the same, and the relative or respec-
tive rights of such proprietors.
1 5. And be it enacted, That the clerk of Baltimore county court
shall publish notice of the report being returned as aforesaid,
within five days after the said return, in all the newspapers printed
in the said city; and if any person or body corporate shall conceive
himself, herself or themselves, aggrieved by the award in such re-
port, he, she or they, may petition the judges of Baltimore county
court to review the same, who thereupon shall proceed to examine
fully the subject, and for that purpose they are hereby authorised
and empowered to summon witnesses, to call for papers, and to
hear the representations of parties, and finally to decide upon the
subject matter, and to alter, modify and correct the said report, if*
all or any of its parts, as to them shall seem just and equitable,
giving to all parties affected by any proposed modification, reasona-
ble notice; the said court shall allow costs against the parties con-
troverting the said report, to the clerk, in their discretion; and af-
ter all applications for a review shall have been disposed of, and
the report of the commissioners shall have been finally approved
of and passed by the said court, they shall order the said report,
as finally acted on, to be recorded by their clerk, at the cost of the
city, authenticated copies of which shall be good evidence in all
the courts of this state and elsewhere; provided that all petitions
for a review shall be lodged in writing with the clerk within thirty
days after his first publication of the report being returned; and
the said court shall decide finally thereon, within ninety days from
the day on which the said report is returned.
6. And be it enacted, That at the expiration of ninety-five days
after the report of the commissioners as aforesaid shall have been
decided on by Baltimore county court, the city commissioners and
port wardens of the city of Baltimore, shall proceed to open and
extend Pratt-street in the manner prescribed in the first section of
this act, and conformably with the plot returned by the commissi-
oners aforesaid, with as little delay as practicable; and they shall
have full authority to remove all buildings and obstructions in the
way of the said street, between Light-street and Franklin Lane
aforesaid, or lying south thereof, and may dispose of the materials
of the buildings so to be removed, for the benefit of the city, unless
the commissioners shall have otherwise disposed of them in their