report, with a view to lessen any claims for compensation; and to
fill up all docks running within, across, or above the said street,
and to dig out and deepen the ground south of the said street, all
which shall be done at the expense of the said city; and the said
street and spaces where the docks now are, shall be taken and con-
sidered as public streets and highways, except as herein after pro-
7. And be it enacted, That the wharf forming the south side of the
said street shall be deemed to be public, subject to the regulations
of the corporation of Baltimore relative to public wharves; and that
in the event of the docks, or either of them, or any part of either
of them, being otherwise disposed of than as public streets, the
same shall be for the benefit of the said city, unless the said com-
missioners shall in their report have appropriated any part thereof
to individuals with a view to lessen any claims for compensation;
Provided, That there be allowed to the people of Maryland an ex-
tent of one hundred and fifty feet thereof, to be designated and laid
off at or near the centre of that part of said street fronting on the
Basin, which shall be free of wharfage, and kept in repair by the
said corporation.
8. And be it enacted, That the sum to be paid by the corporation
of the city of Baltimore for the opening and extension of the said
street, shall be payable at the city treasury of the city of Baltimore
at the expiration of seventy-five days after the report aforesaid
shall have been finally decided on by the said court.
9. And be it enacted, That the sums assessed upon the property
benefited, shall be a lien upon the same, and shall be collected by
the city collector, who shall be allowed therefor such commission
as the commissioners aforesaid shall judge reasonable, and shall be
paid over by him to the mayor and city council of Baltimore, and
by them to the persons entitled to receive the same; the said col-
lector shall give at least twenty-five days notice of the time of pay-
ment, in all the newspapers printed in the said city, which time
shall be in thirty days alter the said report shall be finally passed;
and should any sums assessed as aforesaid not be paid within that
time, the collector shall be authorised to sell the property, or any
part thereof, on which such assessment has been laid, for cash,
giving not less than thirty days notice of such intended sale, in all
the said newspapers; and the collector on receiving the purchase
money on such sale, shall execute a deed of conveyance therefor,
in favour of the purchaser, which deed shall convey all the estate
and interest of the person or persons assessed and neglecting to
pay as aforesaid, and after deducting the costs of sale, advertising,
&c. the collector shall pay over the balance to the said mayor and
city council, who, first retaining the sum assessed on said proper-
ty, shall pay over the further balance to the persons entitled there-
to, on demand, without interest.
10. And be it enacted, That any person entitled to compensation
for damages sustained by the opening and extension of the said
Street, shall have a right to demand and receive the sum awarded
in his or her favour, from the mayor and city council of Baltimore,
in seventy-five days after the report aforesaid has been finally pass-
ed by Baltimore county court, whether the collector has completed
his collections or not; and in case any person shall apply for the
payment of their portion of the assessed damages, and the same
Dec. Ses. 1817
Public wharf.
to pay in 75
Sums assessed
upon property
benefited to be
alien upon the
Persons entit-
led may de-
mand sum a-
warded from
mayor &c.