Dec. Ses. 1817
the treasurer of the western shore thereafter pay to him, or his order, such sum in
addition to said fees as shall amount to the sum of eight hundred dollars for the
present year.
Passed Feb 16
--of B. S.
Pigman, exr.
of H. Briscoe.
No. 66.
Resolved, That Bean S. Pigman, executor of Hanson Briscoe, be and he is
hereby released from the payment of the nine per cent per annum of the 15 percent
for interest chargeable on the principal sums due from the said Hanson Briscoe to
the state, on condition only, that the said Bean S. Pigman shall punctually pay to
the treasurer of the western shore, on or before the first day of January, eighteen
hundred and nineteen, the principal sums due to the state, with interest on the
same, at the rate of six per cent per annum, from the several and respective periods
at which by law the same are made payable to the treasurer.
Passed Feb 16
Relative to lot-
No. 67.
Resolved, That the commissioners of lotteries be and they are hereby direct-
ed to inquire it any and what lotteries, or the scheme or schemes thereof, have
been sold or drawn, the money arising from which is by law directed to be applied
to the purchase or improvement of property in which a vested or other interest is
secured, or directed to be secured, to this state; and the sums for which the same
may have been sold; and to whom, the amounts raised thereby; and the state of
the institution, property or improvements, contemplated in the laws by which
such lotteries were authorised, and report the same to the next general assembly
of Maryland.
Passed Feb 16
In favour of
the officers of
each house.
No. 68.
Whereas, the journal of accounts was closed under an impression that the
session would close on Saturday last, and the business of the session having re-
quired the attendance of the members longer than was contemplated, Therefore,
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby re-
quired, to pay to each member of the legislature, attending this day, in discharge
of his legislative duties, one days allowance in addition to the sum allowed on the
journal of accounts, and also one days allowance to the officers of each house.
Passed Feb 16
— of the mes-
senger to the
court of chan-
No. 69.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Walter L. Price, or
to his order, the sum of fifty dollars, for his services as messenger to the court of
Passed Feb. 16
For investing
the money as-
sumed by the
general go-
No. 70.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised,
to invest the amount of the sum assumed by the general government, due to this
state, provided it be paid in money, in such manner as they may deem most expe-
Passed Feb 14
For compiling
the laws.
No. 71.
Resolved, That William Kilty, Thomas Harris, and John N. Watkins, es-
quires, be and they are hereby appointed to revise the acts of the assembly of this
state, and to prepare an edition thereof, including all public acts now in force, in
the order in which they passed, from the end of the year seventeen hundred and
ninety-nine, till the end of the present session, inserting in the same order the ti-
tles of all private acts, and of such public acts as are repealed, have expired, or
have ceased to have any operation, the time of such repeal or expiring of each law
to be noted in the margin, as also the continuances of such acts as were originally
passed for a limited time, to be accompanied with a full and complete index to the
whole, compiled in the manner of the last edition of the laws of Maryland; that
the said edition be completed within the present year so as to be laid before the ge-
neral assembly at their next annual meeting.
Resolved, That there be included in the said collection the constitution of
this state as adopted by the convention, together with the several alterations which
have been made thereto by acts of assembly since that period; and that by way of
appendix there shall be also included he acts of assembly, commonly called the
Land Laws, and the several acts for quieting possessions, enrolling conveyances,
and securing the estates of purchasers, which are not printed in the last edition of
the laws; that is to say, the acts of 1692, ch. 13, ch. 30; 1694, ch. 11; 1699, ch.
18, ch. 42; 1704. ch. 24, ch. 79, ch. 98; 1705, ch. 10; 1.06, ch. 1; 1715, ch. 45;
1717, ch. 9; 1718, ch. 18; 1720, ch. 17; together with such resolutions as may
have passed since the revolution in the opinion of the compilers proper to be pub-
Resolved, That Jonas Green, printer to the state, be directed to print, and
procure to be bound, two hundred copies of the said edition of the laws, under the
direction of the said William Kilty, Thomas Harris, and John N. Watkins, es-