Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby direct-
ed, to purchase ninety-eight copies of the book entitled " Brice on Wills," pub-
lished by James F. Brice, and to pay the amount thereof out of any unappropria-
ted money in the treasury.
Resolved, That the governor and council cause the said books, as they shall
be purchased, to be forwarded and distributed as follows: To the court of appeals
for each shore two copies; to the court of chancery three copies; to each county
court two copies; to each of the orphans courts two copies; to the general assem-
bly ten copies; and to the executive one copy; to the land office far the western
shore two copies; and to the land office for the eastern shore two copies.
Dec. Ses. 1817
No. 57.
Resolved, That the governor and council be requested, and they are hereby
authorised, to dispose of sundry munitions of war, mentioned in their communi-
cation of the sixth instant, in such manner as in their opinion may best promote
the public good.
Passed Feb 14
Relative to the
sale of certain
munitions of
No. 58.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore be and he is hereby direct-
ed, to pay to General John Gassaway, or his order, the sum of six hundred dol-
lars, out of any unappropriated money in the treasury, it being the difference be-
tween the pay of officers of his rank during the time he was in actual service, and
the annual compensation previously allowed him by law.
Passed Feb 14
In favour of
Gen Jno. Gas-
No. 59.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised
and directed, to advance to Jonas Green, the printer employed by a resolution
passed this session for printing a compilation of the laws, such sum of money as
may be necessary for the purpose of printing the same, by order on the treasury,
to be paid out of any unappropriated money therein.
Passed Feb 14
— of Jonas
No. 60.
Resolved, That the treasurer of the western shore pay to Cornelius Mills,
sergeant at arms, the sum of thirty dollars; to Caleb Stewart, door-keeper to the
house of delegates, the sum of thirty dollars; to Gotleb I. Grammer, messenger
to the senate, the sum of thirty dollars; to Henry Coulter, door-keeper to the
senate, the sum of thirty dollars; for taking care of the furniture of their respec-
tive rooms.
Passed Feb 14
— of Corneli-
us Mills and o-
No. 61.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised,
to inquire whether a lot of ground in the city of Baltimore, distinguished by the
No. sixty-five, was liable to confiscation, and if upon such inquiry they shall be sa-
tisfied that it was not so liable, then they shall order the bond given to the state for
said lot by Francis Daws, and William C. Gouldsmith as his security, to be can-
Passed Feb 14
Relative to lot
No. 65 in Bal-
No. 62.
Resolved, That the surveyor of Dorchester county be and he is hereby di-
rected, to survey and lay down lot number one of the Choptank Indian lands, si-
tuate in Dorchester county, of which Joseph Ennalls was the purchaser, and to
return a plot and certificate of its contents to the treasurer of the western shore,
and that the said treasurer be and he is hereby directed to credit the said Joseph
Ennalls for the deficiency that may be in the said lot.
Passed Feb 14
In favour of
Joseph En-
No. 63.
Resolved, That the governor and council cause to be sold, in such manner, and
upon such terms as they may approve of, live hundred copies of Chancellor Kil-
ty's Reports of English Statutes, and that the money arising from the sale thereof
be appropriated, under the direction of the chief judge of the court of appeals, and
chancellor of Maryland, to the purchase of a public library for the use of the su-
perior courts and the general assembly.
Passed Feb 16
Relative to
Kilty's Sta-
No. 64.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby requested,
to call on the president and managers of the turnpike roads passing westward
through this state, for such information as may enable the executive to present to
the next general assembly of Maryland, (which they are hereby requested to do)
a full view of the state and probable progress of each of the said roads, and par-
ticularly the road undertaken to be made by the banks in this state, with such
suggestions as shall appear to them useful for the consideration of the legislature
in promoting these desirable improvements.
Passed Feb 16
Relative to
turnpike roads.
No. 65.
Resolved, That the examiner general shall lay before the next general assem-
bly the amount of fees that he may receive in the present year, on oath, and that
Passed Feb 16
In favour of
the examiner-