Resolved, That the clerk of the court of appeals for the western shore be and
hereby is directed, to furnish the said William Kilty, Thomas Harris, and John
N. Watkins, esquires, with copies of such acts not already printed as they may
require, and to compare and examine, under their direction, the acts which they
shall direct to be printed in the said edition, with the records of the said acts in
the office of the court of appeals, and shall note under the title of each act the liber
and folio of the record book in which the same is recorded.
Dec. Ses 1817
No. 72.
Resolved, That all petitions, reports, documents and papers, (except bills)
which may be hereafter ordered to be printed by cither house for the use of the le-
gislature, be printed in octavo form, of the same size as that now used for print-
ing the votes and proceedings.
Passed Jan. 2.
For printing
petitions, &c.
No. 73.
Resolved, That the senators and representatives from this state in the con-
gress of the United States, be requested to use their exertions towards effecting a
liquidation and settlement with the general government, of the claim made by this
state for expenses incurred in providing for the common defence during the late
Resolved, That his excellency the governor be requested to forward to our
senators and representatives in Congress a copy of the preceding resolution.
Passed Feb. 2.
Relative to the
settlements of
claims, &c.
No. 74.
Resolved, That the governor and council be and they are hereby authorised,
to designate and appropriate such part of the public grounds in the city of Anna-
polis, as a site for a monument to be erected to the memory of Major General
Baron-de-Kalb, in pursuance of the resolution of Congress of the fourteenth of
October seventeen hundred and eighty, as the person or persons who may be au-
thorised by Congress to erect the same, in conjunction with the governor and
council, may think most suitable for this purpose.
Passed Feb. 3.
Respecting a
monument to
the memory of
Gen Baron de
No. 75.
Resolved by the General Assembly of Maryland, That the attention of the Con-
gress of the United States be respectfully invited to the defenceless situation of, its
territory bordering on the waters of the Chesapeake bay. The facilities offered
by the boldness and ramification of its waters, to an invading foe, are written in
the history of the last war. Such a time of peace and national prosperity as the
United States are now prominently blessed with, permits the collected wisdom of
the constituted authorities to devise the most efficient system of defence, and al-
lows the resources of the union to be applied to the future security of the seat of
the American government.
Resolved, That our senators and representatives in the Congress of the Unit-
ed States, be instructed and requested, to use their best endeavours, to effect the
measures essential for the above object
Resolved, That in the event of the United States establishing a Naval Depot
at Annapolis, the Saint Mary's River, or at any other place within this state,
Maryland will cede, free of any expense to the general government, the territory
adequate to that purpose.
Resolved, That his excellency the governor, be requested to transmit a copy
of the preceding resolutions to our senators and representatives, to be by them
submitted to the consideration of both houses of Congress.
Passed Feb. 1 1
Relative to the
defence of the