Dec Ses. 1817.
Passed Feb 14
Title vested.
An act for the benefit of Henry Christ of Washington County.
Whereas, Henry Christ of Washington county, emigrated to
the state of Maryland, and since his emigration and settlement has
acquired real property therein, and his title to such property, from
his not being naturalized agreeably to the laws of the United States,
may be called in question to his great detriment and injury; There-
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the title to the real property of him the said Henry Christ, hereto-
fore intended to be vested in him the said Henry Christ, his heirs
and assigns, by purchase or deed, fairly obtained, be and the same
is hereby amply and fully vested in the said Henry Christ, and his
heirs, in fee simple, to all intents and purposes, in the same man-
ner that it would have been if the said Henry Christ had been fully
naturalized agreeably to the said laws at the time of the said pur-
chase, and when he received the said deed; Provided always, that
nothing in this act contained shall in any manner defeat or affect
any right, title or claim, to the said property, or any part thereof,
acquired or prosecuted by any person or persons whatsoever, be-
fore the passage of this act; And provided also, that the said Hen-
ry Christ shall, within twelve months after he is capable of becom-
ing a citizen, naturalize himself agreeably to the laws of the Uni-
ted States; but if the said Henry Christ should die before he be-
comes naturalized, nothing in this proviso shall prevent him from
transmitting, or transferring his said property, by descent or de-
vise, to any person or persons, being a citizen or citizens of the
United States, and residing therein, capable in law to hold the same
Passed Feb 14
Authorised to
convey proper-
An act to authorise Mary Ann Nelms, Natural Guardian of
George Nelms, and Ann Eliza Nelms, to convey the Pro-
perty therein mentioned.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Mary Ann Nelms, the mother and natural guardian of George
Nelms and Ann Eliza Nelms, of the city of Baltimore, infant
children of Noah Nelms, late of said city, is hereby authorised
and empowered, to convey and assign, by one or more good and
sufficient deeds, to the Bellona Gunpowder Company of Maryland,
of which corporation the said children are members, all the estate,
right, title and interest, of the said George Nelms and Ann Eliza
Nelms, of, in and unto, all and singular the lands, tenements and
property, at present held by them jointly or in company with the
several other persons constituting said company, either before or
since the incorporation of said company, as fully as the said George
Nelms or Ann Eliza Nelms themselves could do were they of full
Passed Feb 14
Deed to be ex-
An act for the relief of the Heirs of Lawrence Oneale of
Montgomery County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General assembly of Maryland, That
Thomas Fletchall, Honore Martin, and Solomon Davis, of Mont-