gomery county, commissioners heretofore appointed to divide the
real estate, of Lawrence Oneale, in Montgomery county, or a ma-
jority of them, be and they are hereby authorised, empowered and
directed, to make and execute to the heirs of Lawrence Oneale,
good and sufficient deeds of conveyance for their separate parts or
shares of said land, and to the heirs of John Oneale, late of
Montgomery county, a good and sufficient deed of conveyance for
their part of the said land, excluding such parts of John Oneale's
share as the said John Oneale may have sold in his lifetime, and
which have been conveyed by the heirs of the said Lawrence Oneale,
to the purchasers thereof, and the part of the heirs of John Oneale
so conveyed, shall he subject to the dower of the widow of the said
John Oneale.
2. And be it enacted, That the said deeds when executed and re-
corded shall have the same force and effect in law as if the land
aforesaid had been conveyed by the heirs of the said Lawrence Oneale
Dec Ses 1817.
----to have ef-
fect in law.
An act to repeal the third section of an act, entitled, An act
to Suppress Duelling.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, that the third section of an
act, entitled, An act to suppress duelling, be and the same is hereby
Passed Feb 14
Section re-
An act to incorporate the Trustees of Garrison Forest Aca-
demy in Baltimore County.
Whereas, the trustees of Garrison Forest Academy in Balti-
more county, have represented to this general assembly, that Ma-
jor Robert Lyon hath conveyed to trustees, for the use of an aca-
demy, a piece of land in Garrison Forest in the said county, being
part of a tract of land called Rich Level, and that the trustees, and
others, have erected thereon a suitable, house, and have employed a
capable and diligent teacher, and they having petitioned to be
erected into a corporation for the purpose of receiving funds for
and managing the concerns of the said academy,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John E. Howard, Samuel Owings, of Samuel, Robert Lyon,
Robert North Carnan, Christopher Carnan, Nicholas Carroll,
Thomas H. Ghist, Charles Lyon and Robert Lyon, junior, be and
they are hereby erected into a corporation, by the name of The
Trustees of Garrison Forest. Academy, for the purposes of receiv-
ing, holding, and directing funds for the benefit of said institution,
and managing the interest and concerns thereof, which said per-
sons, and their successors to be appointed in the manner hereinaf-
ter prescribed, shall and are hereby declared to be one. com-
munity, corporation and body politic, to have continuation for ever,
by the name of The Trustees of Garrison Forest Academy, and
by that name to sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, and
to make and have a common seal, and the same to break, alter
or renew, when and so often as they shall think fit, and to do all
such other acts as similar corporate bodies may lawfully do.
Passed Feb 14
Trustees in-