Dec. Ses. 1817
Levy authoris-
2. And be it enacted, That the justices of the levy court of Bal-
timore and Anne-Arundel counties be and they are hereby autho-
rised and directed, at their next annual levies, to levy upon the as-
sessable property in said counties at sum of money not exceeding
one thousand dollars, to be applied to building the aforesaid bridge,
one moiety of which sum of money shall be levied on Baltimore
county, and the other on Anne-Arundel county, which said sum of
money shall be paid to the aforesaid commissioners, or their order,
or so much thereof as may be necessary to complete the said bridge.
Passed Feb 14
Trustees ap-
pointed to sell
Bond to be re-
corded, &c.
Deed to be va-
Proceeds of
sale, how to be
disposed of.
, An act to appoint Trustees for the Sale of the Real Estate of
James Lackland, late of Montgomery County, deceased.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
William Darne and Dennis Lackland, be and they are hereby ap-
pointed trustees, and they are hereby authorised and empowered
to make sale of all the real estate of James Lackland, late of Mont-
gomery county, deceased, lying and being in the said county, at
soon as conveniently may be after the passage of this act, and up-
on the terms following, to wit: One fourth of the purchase money
to be paid on the Jay of sale, and the remainder in three equal an-
nual payments, with interest thereon annually from the said day of
sale; and that the said trustees, before they proceed to act by vir-
tue of this appointment, shall give bond to the state of Maryland,
in such penalty, and with like security, as shall be prescribed and
approved of by the orphans court of the county aforesaid, for the
faithful performance of the trust reposed in them.
2. And be it enacted, That the said bond shall be filed and re-
corded in the office of the county court of said county, & copy
whereof, under the seal of said court, shall be received in evidence in
any court of law or equity in this state, and any person interested
in said sale shall have a right to a copy of such bond, paying the
usual fees therefor; and an action may be maintained in the name
of the state, for the use of the party interested and apprehending
himself or herself aggrieved, and judgment may be by such party
recovered upon such action for the damages by him or her actual-
ly sustained.
3. And be it enacted, That any conveyance or conveyances, deed
or deeds, made by the trustees aforesaid, shall be and the same
is hereby declared to be, valid and effectual to pass and convey all
the right, title and interest, which the said James Lackland had at
the time of his death in and to all the real estate so as aforesaid
sold, of which the said James Lackland died seized, to the purchaser
or purchasers of the same, which deed or deeds shall be recorded
among the land records of Montgomery county aforesaid, within
the time prescribed for recording other deeds.
4. And be it enacted, That the money arising out of the sale of
; the said lands, in the hands of the said trustees, after deducting
the expenses of the sale of said lands, to be ascertained by the or-
phans court of Montgomery county aforesaid, and after the pay-
ment of the debts due by the estate of the said James Lackland,
shall be paid over to the devisees of the said James Lackland, or
to his, her, or their guardian or guardians, representative or repre-
sentatives, in equal proportions.