whose duty it shall be to receive and take charge of all donations
and subscriptions made to the dispensary, and to apply such funds,
under the inspection of said board of directors, to furnishing me-
dical aid to the patients contemplated to be benefitted by the same,
such other purposes as may be required.
Dec. Ses 1817
An act to pay the Civil List, and other expenses of Civil
Whereas, those who dedicate their time, abilities and labour, to
the public, ought to receive a reasonable compensation for their
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the following officers of the civil government, for the time being,
shall be' entitled to receive at the rate of the following salaries, in
current money, for the ensuing year, to wit: The treasurer of the
western shore, two thousand dollars; the treasurer of the eastern
shore four hundred and fifty dollars; the auditor eight hundred dol-
lars; the clerk of the council, one thousand dollars; the clerk of the
senate one hundred and fifty dollars, the clerk of the house of de-
legates three hundred dollars; the printer to the state fourteen
hundred dollars; the messenger to the council two hundred and fif-
ty dollars.
2. And be it enacted, That all monies which shall remain in the
treasury after discharging the journal of accounts, and all unap-
propriated money which may come into the treasury, be first appli-
ed to the payment of the civil list for the ensuing year.
Passed Feb 16
Officers sala-
of money
An act for the Payment of the Journal of Accounts.
Whereas, it appears by the journal of accounts of this session,
that there is due from this state the sum of thirty-eight thousand
eight hundred and fifteen dollars and thirty-seven and one fourth
cents, current money, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the treasurer of the western shore shall be and he is hereby au-
thorised and required, to pay to the several persons, their executors,
administrators, assigns or order, or to such of them as shall offer to
receive the same, the several sums of current money allowed to
them respectively, as they may appear to be settled and ascertained
by the said journal of accounts, out of any money now in the trea-
sury, or that shall come into the treasury subject to the appropria-
tion of the general assembly.
Passed Feb 16
Treasurer to
An act to provide for the erection of a Bridge over Patapsco
Falls at Ellicott's Old Upper Mills.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Thomas B. Dorsey, Louis E. Evans, Joseph Evans and Samuel
Hartley, be and they are hereby authorised to contract for, and su-
perintend, the building a bridge over the Patapsco halls at Elli-
cott's old upper mills, on the old road leading from Baltimore to
Frederick Town,
Passed Feb 14
Persons to
contract for