Dec. Ses. 1817
—of a clerk.
ney, Henry Broughton, Thomas White, Francis Gellespie, James
Eagan, Allen Kirk and Harlan Jones, or a majority of them, be
and they are hereby appointed commissioners, with full power and
authority, that from and after the first day of March next they are
hereby authorised and empowered, to hold a market at the said
place, on the first Thursday in June, August, September, October,
November, January and March, in each and every year, at the
said place, for the sale of live stock of every kind.
2. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners, or a majority
of them, shall have full power to appoint a clerk and crier of the said
market, and from time to time to make rules and ordinances, and
by-laws, for the ordering and governing the said market, so that
the name contain nothing contradictory to what is herein contained,
or to the laws of this state.
Passed Feb 11
Company in-
Their powers.
An act to Incorporate the Liberty Fire Company in the City
of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
William Jessup, president of the Liberty Fire Company in the ci-
ty of Baltimore, and his successors, and all such other persons as are
now or hereafter may become members of the said company, shall
be and are hereby declared one community and body corporate for
ever hereafter, by the name and title of The Liberty Fire Compa-
ny, and by that name they shall be and are hereby made capable
in law to take, purchase, hold and enjoy, to them and their suc-
cessors, a lot of ground conveyed by John Eager Howard, in fee
simple, to William Jessup, Ephraim Robinson and George Decker,
in trust for the entire use and benefit of the said company, and
other real or personal estate or property, and the same to grant,
demise, alien or dispose of, in such manner as they may judge most
conducive to the interest of the company; Provided nevertheless, that
the said corporation shall not at any one time hold or possess such
estate or property above the annual value of fifteen hundred dol-
2. And be it enacted, That the said company, and their successors,
by the name aforesaid, shall for ever hereafter be able and capable
in law to sue and be sued, defend and be defended, in all and any
courts of justice whatsoever, and also to make and use a common
seal, and the same to break, alter and renew, at pleasure, and also
from time to time to form and adopt such by-laws and regulations
for the government of the said company, and the concerns thereof,
as they may judge necessary and useful, and for the preservation
of the engine of said company, and all the implements and appara-
tus belonging thereto, or used therewith; to regulate the election
of officers and members, to enforce attendance of the members at
the meetings of said company, and observance of the by-laws there-
of, and for the orderly government of said company, the same not
being contrary to the laws of this state or the United States; and
generally to do and execute all such acts, matters and things, as to
them shall or may appear necessary and proper for the purposes