An act relating to the Village of Church-Hill, in Queen
Anne's County.
Whereas, it is represented to this general assembly, by the pe-
tition of the inhabitants of the village of Church-Hill, in Queen-
Anne's county, that the tranquility and prosperity of said village
would be materially promoted by having the same under the direc-
tion of a board of commissioners; Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
five judicious and discreet persons, residing in the village of Church
Hill, shall be elected by ballot, on the. third Monday of March
next, annually thereafter, at some public place in said village,
by the free male white house keepers or heads of families, residing
in the said village, or such persons holding real property therein,
and the five, persons who shall appear to have the greatest number
of voted at the close of the election, shall he declared duly elected
the commissioners of said village, and shall have and exercise the
several powers and authority delegated to them by tins act.
2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid, immedi-
ately after their election, shall proceed to enact such by-laws or re-
gulations, not contrary to the. laws of this state, as they may deem
proper for the observance of good order in the village aforesaid,
and that such by-laws or ordinances shall be recorded in a book sub-
ject to the inspection of the inhabitants of said village at all times.
3. And be it enacted, That the said commissioners are empowered
to mark and bound the, limits of the said village, to any extent to which
the property of the inhabitants may extend, and any law or regu-
lation that may be enacted by the commissioners aforesaid, shall be,
and is hereby declared to be, in full force to such extent.
4. And be it enacted, That if any vacancy shall happen in the of-
fice of one or more of the commissioners, by death, resignation,
removal or otherwise, it shall be lawful for the remaining com-
missioners, and they are hereby required, to cause an election to be
made in said village by the inhabitants thereof, and others qualifi-
ed to vote as aforesaid, of one or more judicious and discreet per-
sons, resident as aforesaid, to supply every such vacancy during
the remainder of the term, and the time of holding such interven-
ing election shall be previously notified for the space of ten days
previous to the election.
Dec. Ses. 1817.
Passed Feb 11
Election of
May make by-
Limits of vil-
lage to be
A Supplement to an act, entitled, An act for the Preserve
tion of the Breed of Wild Deer in Somerset and Dor-
chester Counties.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, it shall not be lawful for any
person or persons whatsoever, to shoot, or otherwise destroy, any
wild deer in Somerset or Dorchester counties, at any period within
three years from the passage of this law, under the penalty of forty
dollars, one half of which shall be applied to the use of the county,
and the other half to the person who shall make information there-
of, for every deer so killed or destroyed, to be recovered in the
same manner as prescribed by the act to which this a supplement.
Passed Feb 14
Penalty for
killing deer.