lar note upon a slump of thirty cents; every fifty dollar note upon
a stamp of fifty cents; every one hundred dollar note upon a stamp
of one dollar; every five hundred dollar note upon a stamp of ten
dollars; and every thousand dollar note upon a stamp of twenty
dollar; which paper shall be furnished by the treasurer of the
Western shore, under the direction of the governor and council, to
be paid for upon delivery; Provided always, that any institution of
the above description may relieve itself from the operation of the
provisions aforesaid, by paying annually, in advance, to the trea-
surer of the western shore, for the use of the state, the sum of fif-
teen thousand dollars.
2. And be it enacted, That the president, cashier, each of the di-
rectors and officers of every 'institution established, or to be esta-
blished as aforesaid, offending against the provisions aforesaid,
shall forfeit a sum of five hundred dollars for each and every of-
fence; and every person having any agency in circulating any note
aforesaid, not stamped as aforesaid directed, shall forfeit a sum not
exceeding one hundred dollars; every penalty aforesaid to be reco-
vered by indictment, or action of debt, in the county court of the
county where the offence shall be committed, one half to the infor-
mer, and the other half to the use of the state.
3. And be it enacted, That this act shall be in full force and ef-
fect from and after the first day of May next.
Dec. Ses. 1817
Penalty on
officers offend-
ing, &c.
A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act to incorporate a
Company under the name of The Nottingham Library
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
as soon as fifty shares of the capital stock of the said company
shall be subscribed for, the commissioners named in the original
act, or a majority of them, shall give notice thereof, by advertising
according to the provisions of the original act, and appoint a day
for the election of live managers and directors, which managers
and directors shall be elected according to the provisions of the
original act, in the same manner as if the whole capital stock of
the said company had been subscribed for.
2. And be it enacted, That the fifty shares subscribed for previ-
ous to the election of the managers and directors, shall be paid for
according to the provisions of the original act.
3. And be it enacted, That the managers and directors shall be
and are hereby authorised, to receive subscriptions for shares of
stock in the said company, at five dollars each, until the capital
stock of the said company shall amount to two hundred shares,
each share to be paid for in the following manner; that is to say,
one half at the time of subscribing, the other half in three months
Passed Feb 11
Election of
managers and
Shares to be
paid for before
An act for the establishment of a Market for the Sale of
Live Stock at the Rising Sun in Cecil County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Job Haines, Daniel Job, of Daniel, Benjamin Reynolds, James Jan-
Passed Feb 11
of commission-