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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 154   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses 1817

------for Balti-
more City

Their powers:


Attorney gene-
ral to aid dis-
trict attornies
when called on.

To hold com-
missions dur-
ing good beha-

No substitute
to be received
without con-
sent of court.

Attorney gene-
ral may be ap-
pointed attor-
ney for city of

torney of the judicial district for which he shall be commissioned,
and who shall, previous to and during his acting as such, reside in
the judicial district for which he shall be commissioned.
3. And be it enacted, That there shall be appointed and commis-
sioned, for Baltimore city court, a person of sound legal knowledge,
who shall be styled District Attorney of Baltimore City Court, and
who shall, previous to and during his acting as such, reside in the
city of Baltimore.
4. And be it enacted, That each and every district attorney to be
appointed and commissioned in virtue of this act, shall, within the
county courts of the judicial district, or within Baltimore city
court, as the case may be, for which he shall be commissioned, have,
use, excerise and perform, all and every the powers, authorities
and duties, which the attorney general of this state, or his deputies,
heretofore had, used, exercised and performed, and shall prosecute
and defend, on the part of the state, all civil actions now depend-
ing, or which may hereafter he brought by or against the state, in
the county courts of the judicial district for which he shall be com-
missioned, in the same manner, and with the like power and au-
thority, as the attorney general, or his deputies, heretofore could
do and perform, or were bound to do and perform in like cases.
5. And be it enacted, That the attorney general, and each and
every district attorney appointed and commissioned in virtue of this
act, shall, before he proceeds to act, take the oaths prescribed to be
taken by the attorney general, and shall have, take and receive, the
same fees as the attorney general, and his deputies, are now autho-
rised by law to take and receive.
6. And be it enacted, That the governor and council, whenever
they shall consider the interest of the state requires it, may call on
the attorney general to aid any district attorney in prosecuting or
defending any suit or action brought by or against the state, in any
county court, or Baltimore city court, and it shall and may be law-
ful for the governor and council to allow to the attorney general,
or to any district attorney, such reasonable fee or reward for pro-
secuting or defending any civil suit of action, to which, the state may
be a party or interested therein, as they may think right.
7. And be it enacted, That the attorney general, and each and
every district attorney appointed and commissioned in virtue of
this act, shall hold his commission during good behaviour, but
may be removed by the governor upon the address of the general
assembly of Maryland.
8. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued to authorise or empower the attorney general, or any dis-
trict attorney, to substitute any person to perform the duties enjoin-
ed on him by this act, without the approbation of the court in which
such substitution shall be made, and such substitution shall conti-
nue only during the, term at which it was made, nor the district at-
torney to be commissioned for the judicial district within which
Baltimore city court is held, to have, use, exercise or perform, any
power or authority as district attorney in Baltimore city court.
9. And be it enacted, That nothing herein contained shall be con-
strued to preclude the attorney general from being also appointed
and commissioned a district attorney, or attorney for the city of
Baltimore; and in case the attorney general is or shall be appoint-

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 154   View pdf image
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