ed a district attorney, or attorney for the city of Baltimore, he
shall be styled Attorney General of Maryland, and District Attorney
of the district of which he shall be appointed district attorney, or of
the city of Baltimore, us the cane, may be, and shall hold, use and
exercise, both appointments, any thing herein contained to the con-
trary notwithstanding.
Dec. Ses. 1817
An act to repeal the several Acts of Assembly for the des-
truction of Crows in Somerset, Anne-Arundel, and Cul-
vert Counties.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the several acts of assembly authorising the levy courts of Somer-
set, Anne-Arundel, and Calvert counties, to levy on the respective
counties monies under the acts for the destruction of crows in
Somerset and Calvert counties, be and the same are hereby re-
Passed Feb. 10.
An act relating to the City of Baltimore.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the thirtieth day of September next, the city of
Baltimore shall be divided into twelve wards, as nearly equal in
population as may be, and the boundaries of which shall be as
nearly as practicable in right lines; and when the number of its in-
habitants shall have increased to ninety thousand, the said city
shall be divided into fourteen wards; and when it shall have in-
creased to one hundred and twenty thousand, the said city shall be
divided into sixteen wards; and when it shall have increased to one
hundred and sixty thousand, the said city shall be divided into
eighteen wards; and when it shall have increased to two hundred
thousand, the said city shall be divided into twenty wards; and it
shall be the duty of the corporation to correct the divisions from
time to time, so as to preserve, as accurately as may be, an equal
number of inhabitants in each ward.
2. And be it enacted, That the annual session of the city
council of Baltimore shall hereafter commence on the first Monday
of January, two thirds of each branch shall be a quorum to do bu-
siness; and all persons holding offices under the corporation of the
said city, shall, unless otherwise provided by acts of assembly, or
by ordinances of the city, be understood to hold such offices during
the pleasure of the mayor; and the mayor of the city shall nomi-
nate, and by and with the advice and consent of a convention of
the two branches of the city council, shall appoint all officers un-
der the corporation, except the register of the city, and the clerks
employed by the city, or under their authority; the register shall
be appointed by a convention of the two branches of the city
council, biennially; to be commissioned by the mayor, removable
nevertheless, at pleasure, by a convention of the said two branches;
but vacancies in office happening in the recess of the sessions shall
be filled as heretofore.
3. And be it enacted, That from and after the thirtieth day of
September next, the number of electors of Mayor shall be the same
Passed Feb. 9.
City to be di-
vided into
Annual sessi-
of officers.
Number of e-
lectors to be
equal to that
of wards—bai-