being present, by a mandate under the privy seal, and signed by
the hands of the said five trustees, to the president and pro lessors
directed, have signified their approbation and authority for the
particular admission of said persons to said degree or degrees.
12. And be it enacted, That this charter and act of incorporation,
and every part thereof, shall be good and available in all things in
the laws, according to the true intent and meaning thereof, and
shall be construed, reputed and adjudged, in all cases, most favour-
able on the behalf, and for the best benefit and behoof of the said trus-
tees, and their successors, so as most effectually to answer the end
of this incorporation towards the general advancement and promo-
tion of useful knowledge, science and virtue,
Dec. Ses. 1817
Charter to be
good in law.
An act for the benefit of John Head Magnifier, Clerk of
Prince-George's County Court.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
John Read Magruder, clerk of Prince-George's county court, be
and he is hereby authorised and empowered, to send out fees in
the year eighteen hundred and eighteen, for collection on execu-
tion, at any time until the first day of April next, any thing in any
law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided however, that every
sheriff in whose hands fees shall be placed by the said John Read
Magruder for collection, shall be allowed until the first day of June
next to deliver the accounts of fees or bills of particulars to the
respective persons, and to the twentieth day of November next to
account for and pay over the money for the said fees.
Passed Feb 9.
Time extend-
ed for deliver-
ing his fees.
An act providing for the appointment of an Attorney Gene-
ral, and of District Attorneys, in the several Judicial
Districts of this State, and for Baltimore City Court.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
there shall be appointed and commissioned a person of sound legal
knowledge, who shall be styled Attorney General of Maryland,
and who, previous to and during his acting as such, shall reside in
the state, and whose duty it shall be to prosecute and defend, on
the part of the state, all cases now depending, or which may here-
after be brought in, or removed to, the court of appeals for the
Western or eastern shore, by or against the state, or wherein the
state shall or may be interested, in the same manner that the at-
torney general heretofore was accustomed to do, or could do; and
he shall have, exercise and use, all and every the powers and au-
thorities in and rotating to the same, as the attorney general hereto-
fore had, used and exercised, or can have, use and exercise, in simi-
lar cases, and he shall give his opinion and advice whenever he
shall be required by the general assembly, or either branch thereof,
by the governor and council, or by the treasurer of either shore,
on any matter or subject depending before them, or where the in-
terest of the state may require.
2. And be it enacted, That there shall be appointed and commis-
sioned, for each of the several judicial districts of this state, a
person of sound legal knowledge, who shall be styled District At-
Passed Feb. 7.
neral to be ap-
District Attor-
neys to be ap-