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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 152   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1817.
To have scale.

May admit per-
sons gratuit-



which they may find to operate injuriously, until a meeting of
said board shall take place.
8. And be it enacted, That the trustees, and their successors,
shall have full power and authority to have, make and use, one
common and public seal, and likewise one privy seal, with such
devices and inscriptions as they shall think proper, and to ascer-
tain, fix and regulate, the uses of both seals, by their own laws,
and the same seals, or either of them, to change, break, alter and
renew, at their pleasure.
9. And be it enacted, That the said trustees, and their successors,
are authorised, so far as their funds may warrant, to admit gra-
tuitously, in whole or in part, as their respective cases may re-
quire, such person or persons as they may think proper, and that
the trustees are authorised to receive subscriptions, donations and
bequests, as a fund to meet the expenditures required in effecting
this benevolent object, and to take such measures as they may con-
ceive proper to augment said fund.
10. And, for animating and encouraging the students of the said
college to a laudable diligence, industry and progress, in useful
literature and science, Be it enacted, that the said trustees, and
their successors, shall by a written mandate under the privy seal,
and the hand of one of the trustees to be chosen annually as the
president, according to the ordinance to be made for that purpose,
have full power and authority to direct the president of the facul-
ty, and professors, to hold public commencements, either on stated
annual days, or occasionally, as the future ordinances of the
college shall direct, and at such commencement to admit any of
the students of the said college, or any other persons meriting the
same, (whose names shall be severally inserted in the mandate,)
to any degree or degrees in any of the faculties, arts and sciences,
and liberal professions, to which persons are usually admitted into
other colleges or universities in America.
11. And it is hereby enacted, That the president, or in case of
his death or absence, the senior professor who may be present,
shall make out and sign with his name, diplomas or certificates of
the admission to such degree or degrees, which shall be sealed
with the public or greater seal of the corporation or college, and de-
livered to the graduates as honourable and perpetual testimonials
of such admission, which diploma, if thought necessary for doing
greater honour to such graduates, shall also be signed with the
names of the different professors, or as many of them as can con-
veniently sign the same; Provided always, that no student or stu-
dents within the said college shall ever be admitted to any such de-
gree or degrees, or have their name inserted in any mandate for a de-
gree, until such student or students have been fust duly examined and
thought worthy of the same, at a public examination of the candi-
dates, to be held one whole month previous to the day of com-
mencement in said college, in the presence of the said trustees, or
such number of them, not less than three, as the ordinances of the
college may authorise for that purpose, and in the presence of any
other persons choosing to attend the same, And provided further,
that no person or persons, except the students belonging to the sard
college, shall ever be admitted to any honorary, or other degree or
degrees of the same, unless five trustees, the president of the college

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 152   View pdf image
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