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Session Laws, 1817
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proper tutors and assistants, (who may be approved by the faculty,)
for instructing the students and scholars of the said seminary, in all
the liberal aits and sciences, and in the ancient and modern tongues
and languages, who shall be severally styled professors of such
arts, sciences or languages, as they shall be nominated and appoint-
ed for, according to each particular nomination and appointment;
and the said president and professors, so constituted and appointed
from time to time, shall be known and distinguished for ever,
by the name of The President and Professors of the Asbury College,
and in that name shall be capable of exercising such powers and
authorities as the trustees of the said college, and their successors,
shall by their ordinances think necessary to delegate to them, for the
instruction, discipline, and government thereof, and of all the stu-
dents, scholars, officers and servants, belonging to the same; and the
said president and professors, students, scholars, and such neces-
sary officers and servants as give constant attendance upon the bu-
siness of the said college, shall be exempted from military duties,
except when called into actual service under the laws of this state
or of the United States.
6. And be it enacted, That the said trustees, and their successors,
shall meet at least four times in every year, in stated quarterly
meetings, to be appointed by their own ordinances, and at such
other times as by their said ordinances they may direct, in order
to examine the progress of the students and scholars in literature,
and upon all matters relative to discipline of the college, and
the good and wholesome execution of their ordinances; in all which
examinations, meetings and determinations, such number of the
said trustees duly met, (provided they be not less than five,) shall
be a quorum.
7. And be it enacted, That a majority of the said trustees, for
the time being, when duly assembled at any quarterly or other
meeting, upon due notice having been given to the whole body,
shall have full power and authority to make fundamental ordinan-
ces for the government of said college, and the instruction of youth
as aforesaid, and by these ordinances to appoint such a number of
their own body, not less than three, as they may think proper, to
be a quorum for transacting all general and necessary business of
the said college, and making temporary rules for the government
of the same, and also by the same fundamental ordinances to dele-
gate to the president, professors and teachers, such powers and au-
thorities as they may think best for the standing government of
said college, and of the execution of the ordinances and rules of
the same; and to make and ordain by-laws, rules and regulations,
from time to time, and the same to alter and annul, as they may
think proper, and shall have power and authority to do all matters
and things they in their judgment shall think will promote the interest
of the institution, consistent with this act. and not repugnant to
the form of government or any laws of this state or of the United
States; Provided nevertheless, that for the sake of securing per-
petual harmony between the board of trustees, and the board of
faculty, all laws, ordinances, rules or regulations, pertaining to
the interior regulations and management of the institution, shall
be subject to the following provisions: First, the faculty may sus-
pend any such laws or ordinance made by the board of trustees,

Dec. Ses. 1817

Times of meet-


Powers of trus-


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Session Laws, 1817
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