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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 143   View pdf image
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2. And be it enacted, That the said Leah Wilson before she pro-
ceeds to act under the provisions of this law, shall give bond, with
two securities, to be approved by the orphans court of Somerset
county, conditioned to pay the nett proceeds of said sale to the
heirs and representatives of the said Samuel Wilson, in the res-
pective proportions in which they may be entitled, in one and two
years from the time they may respectively arrive at lull age.

Dec. Ses. 1817


An act relating to the Militia of Allegany County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of .Maryland, That
the militia of Allegany county shall not be subjected to the disci-
pline of infantry, and shall be and the same are hereby required to
be trained as ride-men, and that instead of being called out for
muster and discipline as heretofore required by law, be liable only
to be called out in companies, according to the direction of the
commanding field-officers of regiments or battalions, once in the
month of June, and once in the month of October, but that in all
other respects the said militia be subject to laws now existing
on the subject; Provided, that nothing in this act contained shall
be construed to extend to such company or companies of militia in
the town of Cumberland, or the greater part of whom are resi-
dents in the town of Cumberland.


An act relating to British property liable to Confiscation.

Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General* of Maryland, That all real
estate which was liable to confiscation by the laws of this state,
and which was not actually sold by the commissioners of confiscat-
ed property, or intendants of revenue, (except only the reserves
westward of Fort Cumberland and the reserves in the cities of
Annapolis and Baltimore) shall be liable to be taken up by a com-
mon warrant, special warrant, or warrant of resurvey, in the same
manner, and on the same terms, as any vacant lands in this state
may be taken up.
2. And be it enacted, That if any person or persons shall have
heretofore and since the session of the general assembly held in
November seventeen hundred and eighty-five, taken up any such
land, by either a common warrant, special warrant, or Warrant of
resurvey, the same shall be deemed and taken to be as good and
available in law as if this act had at that time been in force, any
law to the contrary notwithstanding; Provided always, that no-
thing in this law contained shall be construed to affect the right or
Interest which any person or persons may have heretofore acquired
as informers, or otherwise, according to the laws of this state re-
lating to British confiscated property.

Chapter 138.
A Further Supplement to the act, entitled, An act directing
the manner of suing out Attachments in this Province, and
limiting the extent of them.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
if any person whatsoever, not being a citizen of this state, and

Passed Feb 5.

Militia to be
trained as ri-


Passed Feb. 6.

Property may
be taken up
by common
warrant, &c.
*True copy
from the en-
grossed law.

Land hereto-
fore taken up
deemed valid.


Passed Feb. 3.

Debts under
$50 due from

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 143   View pdf image
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