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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 144   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1817

&c. may be re-
covered, &c.

Courts to ex-
ercise jurisdic-
tion in certain


not residing therein, shall or may be indebted unto a citizen of this
state, or of any other of the United States, in a sum of money not
exceeding fifty dollars, or if a citizen of this state being indebted
to another citizen thereof in a sum of money not exceeding fifty
dollars, shall actually run away, abscond, or fly from justice, or se-
cretly remove him or herself from his or her place of abode, with
intent to evade the payment of his or her just debts, such creditor
may in either case have the like remedy by attachment, and by the
like process and proceedings, as a creditor may now have in such
cases when the debt doth exceed the sum of money above men-
2. And be it enacted, That if such debtor or debtors shall be ar-
rested on the capias ad respondendum issuing with such attach-
ment, from any county court in this state, or if the said debtor
shall appear to the same within the time limited in other cases of
attachment, the court in which such proceedings may be had shall
have and exercise full and ample jurisdiction in such suit, in the
game manner, and by the like process and proceedings, as if the
said debt exceeded the said sum of fifty dollars current money.

Passed Feb. 6.


Process issu-
ing from one
county to be
served in ano-
ther, how to be

Clerks to send
to post-offices
once a week.


An act to provide for the Conveyance and Return of Process
issued from the Courts of one County to the Officers of

Whereas, the trial of causes, civil and criminal, is often delay-
ed by the irregular manner in which process is conveyed from the
courts of one. county to the officers of another county, and by the
want of convenient proof of the delivery of such process to the of-
ficers to whom the same is directed, as well as by the frequent ne-
glect of such officers to serve and return such process; and it ap-
pears to be necessary, for the speedy and due administration of
justice, that an effective remedy should be provided in that behalf,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
from and after the passage of this act, the clerk or register of any
court within this state, who shall be required to issue any original
or judicial writ, subpoena, summons, or other process, to be served
in any other county than that in which such court shall usually
hold its session, shall issue such process accordingly, directed to
the sheriff, coroner, or other proper officer, of such other county to
whom the same ought to be directed, and shall immediately enclose
such process in a letter or cover, sealed up and addressed to the
clerk of such other county, and on the back thereof shall endorse
his name as clerk of the county, and shall forthwith deposit the same
in the nearest post office, to be conveyed by the ensuing mail to the
post office at the place in which, or nearest to which, the clerk of
such other county shall reside; and in such letter or cover shall he
written the usual docket-entry of such process, so as to show the
parties concerned, and the nature and purpose thereof.
2. And be it enacted, That it shall be the duly of the several clerks of
the respective counties of this state, to attend at or send to the post-
offices nearest to their residence, at least once a week, and enquire
for letters and covers addressed to them; and if such letters or co-

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 144   View pdf image
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