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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 136   View pdf image
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Dec. Ses. 1817

in writing, to be signed by all the members of the said court, that
this law shall be carried into execution, and shall also cause the
said agreement to be entered on the records of the said court.

Passed Feb. 9.


Additional ma-


A Supplement to the act, entitled, An act authorising a Lot-
tery for raising a sum of money for the purposes therein
mentioned, passed at November session eighteen hundred
and nine.
Whereas, several of the persons who were originally appoint-
ed managers for the above, lottery are dead, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the honourable Richard T. Earle, James Barroll, Daniel C. Hop-
per, Tench Tilghman, Henry Alexander, and George Hayne, be
added to the managers originally appointed, who now survive, be
and hereby authorised and empowered to carry the objects of
the original act into execution, upon their complying with the pro-
visions thereof.

Passed Feb. 6.

Levy in his fa-


An act for the relief of Thomas Duvall, of Prince-George's
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
the levy court of Prince-George's county be and is hereby au-
thorised and directed, to levy on the assessable property of said
county, at their next county levy, such sum of money as they may
think adequate to compensate Thomas Duvall for the loss of a
certain negro boy convicted in Prince-George's county court, of
burglary, and sentenced by the judges thereof to the penitentiary.

Passed Feb 5.

Engine may
be purchased

Sum which
owners of pro-
perty are to



An act authorising Commissioners to purchase a Fire-Engine
for the use of the inhabitants of William's Port, in
Washington County.
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
Jacob T. Towson, Michael A. Finley, Edmund H. Turner, Wil-
liam H. Van Lear and Michael G. Kessinger, be and they hereby
are appointed commissioners to procure and purchase a Fire-engine
for the use of the inhabitants of William's Port, in Washington
county, and also to procure by purchase, or otherwise, a suitable
house in which the said engine shall be kept.
2. And be it enacted, That the commissioners aforesaid shall pro-
cure a copy of the latest assessments which has been made of the
houses and other buildings in the said town, and shall be guided
by the same in affixing the proportionate sum which each owner of
property aforesaid shall pay towards the sum hereinafter mention-
ed, and if any buildings have been erected in the said town since
the last assessment they shall be valued by any three disinterested
men of the county, not residents of the said town, appointed by
the commissioners, who shall act under oath, and shall be guided
in their valuation by the relative value which said property may
hear to other property in said town by the assessment list aforesaid.

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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 136   View pdf image
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