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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 135   View pdf image
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said William E. Williams, engaging for himself, his heirs and as-
signs, that if at any future day the levy court of Frederick county
shall think proper to make the same a free bridge, he or they shall
surrender and give up their right to receive toll for the said bridge,
upon receiving a reasonable compensation for his trouble and ex-
pense, to be estimated by indifferent persons, chosen as herein af-
ter expressed and declared: And whereas the plan proposed by the
said William E. Williams for erecting a toll bridge over Monoca-
cy River, appears to this general assembly to be beneficial to the
public, Therefore,
Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland, That
it shall and may be lawful for the said William E. Williams, his
heirs and assigns, to erect and build, maintain and support, a good
and substantial bridge over and across the said river Monocacy,
at Williams' ferry as aforesaid.
2. And be it enacted, That the property of the aforesaid
bridge when built, shall be and the same is hereby vested in the
said William E. Williams, his heirs and assigns, forever, and that
the said William E. Williams, his heirs or assigns, shall and may
demand and receive toll from travellers and others, according to
the following rates, viz: for every coach, chariot, phaeton, loaded
wagon, or other four wheel carriage and team, fifty cents} for
every unloaded wagon and team twenty-five cents; for every
chaise, riding chair, cart, or other two wheeled carriage and team,
twenty-five cents; for every sleigh and team twenty-five cents; for
every sled and team twelve and a half cents; for every single horse
and rider six and a quarter cents; for every foot passenger two cents;
for every head of horned cattle, sheep, mules, horses, &c. or swine,
two cents.
3. And be it further enacted, That if the said William E. Willi-
ams, his heirs or assigns, or whosoever shall hereafter own or pos-
sess the said bridge, shall exact or demand any greater or other
rates or prices for the passage over the same than what is herein,
before prescribed or specified, or shall neglect to keep the said,
bridge in good repair, he, she or they, so offending, shall forfeit
and pay, for every such, offence, the sum of twenty dollars, one
moiety thereof to the state, and the other moiety to the party com-
plaining, or who may sue for the same, to be recovered before any
justice of the peace of the said county.
4. And be it further enacted, That whensoever, at anytime after
the erection and building of the said bridge, it shall seem expedi-
ent to the levy court of Frederick county to constitute and make the
same bridge, so erected and built, a free bridge, the governor and
council for the time being shall, on the application of the levy court
of Frederick county, appoint five commissioners, who shall estimate
what sum or sums of money the said William E.Williams, his heirs
or assigns, shall be entitled to receive as a compensation for his
trouble and expenses in building and maintaining the said bridge,
which sum or sums shall be paid to him or them by the levy court
of Frederick county, and upon the payment or tendering of the said
sum of money by the levy court to the. person or persons entitled to
receive the same, the property in the said bridge shall be vested in
Frederick county; Provided always, that this act shall have no ef-
fect, unless the levy court, at their next annual meeting, shall agree

Dec. Ses. 1817.

Bridge may be

—to be vested
in W. E. Willi-

Penalty for de-
manding great-
er tolls than
are allowed.

Cost of build-
ing to be esti-


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Session Laws, 1817
Volume 636, Page 135   View pdf image
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